C. Estupiñán Artiles, C. Donnellan, , J. Regan , M. Mooney 1, REFERRAL PATTERNS AND ACCESS TO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY DYSPHAGIA SERVICES IN RESIDENTIAL LONG-TERM CARE SETTINGS IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEY, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Toulouse, November 28-December, ESSD, 2023, ppessd2023.org ,
Conference Paper,
Donnellan C, Explaining the concept healthy ageing for health professionals, Journal of Population Ageing, 2022,
Journal Article,
Donnellan C, Cohen H, Werring D, Cognitive dysfunction and associated neuroimaging biomarkers in antiphospholipid syndrome: a systematic review, Rheumatology, 16, (1), 2022, p24 - 41,
Journal Article,
Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C, Physiological Mechanisms and Associated Pathophysiology of Dysphagia in Older Adults, Nurse Education Today , 2022,
Journal Article,
Chakkittakandy D, Smyth A, O'Byrne-O'Reilly R, O'Sullivan K, Lydon C, Eustace-Cook J, Donnellan C, Understanding resilience in student healthcare professionals for ensuring good quality of care: A scoping review proposal, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference , Online , 8th-10th March , 2022,
Oral Presentation,
Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C, Establishing content validity of a survey determining dysphagia prevalence and practices in residential long-term care settings, Age and Ageing , Irish Gerontological Society Annual and Scientific Meeting New Frontiers in Gerontology , 2022,
Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C, Dysphagia Screening in Residential Care Settings: A Scoping Review, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 114, 2021, p103813 ,
Journal Article,
Donnellan C, Walsh P, Association of Apolipoprotein E and other biomarkers with cognitive impairment post stroke: A systematic review of the literature, Neurobiology of Aging, 2021,
Journal Article,
Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C, Dysphagia screening for post stroke patients living in residential care settings: a scoping review, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Organisation/World Stroke Organisation Conference 2020, Online , 7th-9th November , 15, (1 (Suppl)), 2020, pp353-,
Conference Paper,
Donnellan C, Identifying levels and scope of nurse specialist practice in the pathway of stroke care: An International Perspective, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Organisation/World Stroke Organisation Conference 2020, Online , 7th-9th November , 15, (1 (Suppl)), 2020, pp160-,
Conference Paper,