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Dr. Gillian Martin

Associate Professor (German)
Profile Photo

Dr. Gillian Martin

Associate Professor (German)

  Conversation and discourse analysis   Cultural influences on leadership and management styles   Culture and health   Intercultural and intracultural negotiation in business settings   Leadership
Project Title
This project aims to promote cultural and linguistic awareness amongst Business German students through E-learning. Students are matched with Business English students at a German or Austrian University and participate via web CT in both cultural and language awareness raising activities with an emphasis on business communication. Unlike existing web-based cultural learning programmes, the activities focus on understanding not just which values and beliefs differ or are similar across the two cultures, but also how their value systems are enacted and reproduced linguistically and pragmatically, i.e., how language is used in different cultures to achieve a particular communicative purpose. Phase one engages students in a process of cultural reflection and awareness raising using field research; word association and dialogue completion exercises; case studies; and critical incident analysis. Phase two builds on this enhanced awareness and involves students in task-based language learning on-line, requiring them to draw on knowledge of their mother tongue and the foreign language to solve problems, negotiate meaning and make culturally and linguistically appropriate decisions to achieve particular communicative objectives.
Funding Agency
Learning Innovation Grant (TCD)
Project Title
To develop a suite of self-access on-line exercises and tests - E-Lab - for Junior Sophister Business Studies and German students to use on their year abroad).
Funding Agency
Teaching Development Grant (TCD)

Details Date
Invited Speaker at Conference 'Diabetes in Crisis', Dublin Castle February 2008
Guest lecturer, Heinrich-Heine Universität zu Düsseldorf June 2007
Guest Lecturer, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz December 2005
Invited speaker at conference on 'Deutsch für Karriere und Beruf' in the Goethe Institut Dublin. January 2004
Guest lecture at Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. July 2002
Invited speaker at a conference on Business German at Aston University, Birmingham. June 2001
Guest lecture at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Nürnberg. February 2000
Dublin City University, External Examiner, Advanced Negotiation Skills Since 2003
Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street. External Examiner for final year students, BA in International Business and Languages 2004-2006
Member of selection committees for the National College of Ireland, the DIT, the Civil Service Commission, and the Institutes of Technology for posts in Languages, Administrative Officer, Business Studies and Law. Since 1993
Assessor for NCEA (Degree in International Business and French/German in Carlow Institute of Technology). 1998
Regular contributor to the yearbook of the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce and, most recently, guest speaker at the Chamber's annual Christmas lunch in December 2004
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Association of Third-Level Teachers of German in Ireland
Member of the Conference of University Teachers of German in Great Britain and Ireland
Member of the German-Irish Chamber of Commerce
Gillian Martin, Jonathan Crichton , The Handbook of Intercultural Communication in Health Care, Mouton de Gruyter , 2024, Book, ACCEPTED
The language of situated joint activity: Social virtual reality and language learning in virtual exchange in, editor(s)Senkbeil, K. and Ahlers, T. , Virtual Reality in den Geisteswissenschaften: Konzepte, Methoden und interkulturelle Anwendungen, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2024, [Martin, Gillian; O'Rourke, Breffni; Werner, Sina], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Language Teaching in the German Department at Trinity College Dublin, between 1900-1930 in, editor(s)Gisela Holfter , Rückblicke und Reflexionen: A History of German Studies in Ireland, Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2023, pp17 - 32, [Martin, Gillian ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Senkbeil, Karsten; Martin, Gillian; O'Rourke, Breffni, SpEakWise VR: Exploring the use of Social Virtual Reality in telecollaborative language learning, Euocall 2022, Reykjavik / online, 16-19 August 2022, 2022, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  URL
Intercultural Communication in Health Care Settings in, editor(s)Jane Jackson , The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication , , Routledge, 2020, pp503 - 520, [Gillian Martin and Jonathan Crichton], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Schöpf, A., Martin, G. S., Keating, M. A., Humor as a Communication Strategy in Provider-Patient Communication in a Chronic Care Setting, Qualitative Health Research , 2016, p1 - 27, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McGowan, E., Martin, G., Stokes, E., Perceptions of Leadership: A Comparison of Physiotherapists' Views in Canada and Ireland., Physiotherapy Canada, 68, (2), 2016, p106 - 113, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
What Ethical Leadership means to me. in, editor(s)Andreas Kaplan ESCP, Europe, France. , European Business and Management, India., SAGE Publications Ltd., 2015, pp1-20 , [Resick, C; Martin, G.S., Keating, M.A., Dickson, M.W., Kwan H and Peng c.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Breffni O'Rourke, Helen O'Sullivan, Gillian Martin, A discourse-analytic framework for conversational engagement in online discussion tasks, part 2: level of analytic depth, Eurocall 2015, Padova, 26-29 August 2015, 2015, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
G S Martin, "Sorry, can you speak it in English with me?" Managing routines in lingua franca doctor-patient consultations in a diabetes clinic. ', Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 34, (1), 2015, p1 - 32, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

Page 1 of 6
Organisational Leadership in Germany and Ireland, German-Irish Business Yearbook, 2003, pp47 - 49, [Martin, G. S., Keating, M., Brodbeck, F.], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Same Difference, German-Irish Business Yearbook, 2002, pp46 - 48, [Martin, G. S.], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Martin, G.S., Irish German Business Negotiations, 1998, p9 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Martin, G. S., Donnelly-Cox, G. & Keating, M., Synergising Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies in Interdisciplinary Cross-Cultural Management Research, British Academy of Management Conference: Back to Aston and Twenty Years on - What have we all learned in Management Theory?, 16-18 September, 1996, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Keating, M, Donnelly-Cox, Martin, G.S., Re-evaluating Hofstede: Preliminary Findings of an Irish Empirical Study on Managerial Leadership in Ireland, Management Research in Ireland: The Way Forward, University College Cork, September 12-13, 1996, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Martin, G.S., Meyer, R. and O'Shaughnessy, S., Gesprächspartner Technik, Unterrichtsmaterialien Fachsprachen/Gesprächspartner Wirtschaft, Bd. 4, 1993, Notes: [Goethe Institut Dublin], Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Election to Fellowship, TCD. 2003
Kuratorium Award of German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce 2007
(1) GLOBE Project: This research explores how societal culture and organisational culture impact on preferred leadership styles and is part of a 62-nation study co-ordinated by Professor Robert House of the Wharton School. Together with my research partner, Mary Keating (School of Business Studies, TCD), we have collected and analysed data on societal culture, organisational culture, and leadership in Ireland using a multi-method approach including a questionnaire based survey, qualitative interviews, focus groups, and a review of unobtrusive measures of culture. The findings of the research are highly relevant for Irish business practitioners who increasingly must lead and manage multi-cultural workforces in both a local and global context. As more and more Irish companies internationalise, our work underscores the importance of understanding these 'soft' factors as a means of sustaining competitive advantage. Emerging from the GLOBE research, Mary and I have recently completed comparative research on management behaviour and practice in Germany and Ireland, resulting in the publication of an edited book in 2004. The book brought together researchers from different disciplines (organisational psychology, linguistics to name but two) and incorporated a managerial commentary after each academic chapter in order to underline the practical relevance of the research findings and to further the exchange between academics and practitioners. The themes covered in the book have not previously been addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective. ETHICAL LEADERSHIP: Building on the comparative research which we have conducted on organisational leadership in Ireland and Germany, we are currently working on a study of ethical leadership in the two countries . The research also includes data from the USA . As with the GLOBE project, the research involves both quantitative and qualitative methods and makes a contribution to the very limited body of empirical work on ethical leadership in Ireland. VALUE CHANGE: With Mary Keating and Erna Szabo (Austrian GLOBE co-ordinator) we have conducted a study of value change in Austria and Ireland, drawing on the GLOBE managerial data set and collecting additional quantitative data from business studies students in both countries. The research contributes to the debate on cultural convergence versus divergence, which, in turn, has implications for how future managers are trained. (2) INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS SETTINGS: My research on communication has to date focused on the conduct of cross-cultural sales negotiations and on how greater integration might be achieved between the organisational, cultural and linguistic dimensions of negotiation in the design of second language teaching materials. Most of this work has centred on German-Irish negotiation and has involved empirical research with German and Irish business practitioners using a range of qualitative methodologies. I have recently used my data set on Irish-English negotiation to conduct a study of indirectness in Irish-English business communication, linking this inter alia to post-colonialism and to other dimensions of societal culture identified in the GLOBE study. I am currently working on a collaborative project which aims to build an Intelligent Learning Environment (ILE) through which business people can learn culturally appropriate negotiation skills. Three cultures will be modelled: Chinese, Irish, and German (3) ORGANISATIONAL AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION IN MEDICAL SETTINGS within the context of multi-cultural health care teams and healthcare professional-patient interaction, exploring issues such as how culture and language impact on perceptions of care and its delivery in the area of diabetes care. The study takes an interdisciplinary approach and involves research collaboration with clinicians. I am a Research Associate in the Institute of International Integration Studies, TCD.