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Dr. Ronan Lyons

Associate Professor (Economics)
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Dr. Ronan Lyons

Associate Professor (Economics)


I am an Associate Professor in Economics at Trinity College Dublin, where I am also Director of Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS) and a PI at the Centre for Economics, Policy & History (CEPH). My research focuses on housing markets, urban economics and economic history and in particular on the intersection of those areas: how housing markets evolve in urban environments over the long run. My academic research has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics, the Journal of Housing Economics, Energy Economics, and Regional Science & Urban Economics. I am a consultant to the IMF on residential property prices, a frequent contributor to national and international media on Irish housing and the broader economy and the author of the quarterly Reports on the Irish housing market. From 2017 to 2022, I was a Board Member of the Higher Education Authority and I was also a member of Ireland's 2022-2023 Housing Commission, advising government on housing policy.
  Economic Geography   ECONOMIC HISTORY   Urban Economics
Project Title
 H2PINA - Historical House Prices in North America, 1900-1960
May 2015
April 2016
Building a dataset of sales and rental listings for North American housing markets, for the period 1900-1960, from newspaper archives
Funding Agency
Trinity College Dublin
Person Months

Details Date
Commissioner, Irish Housing Commission 2021-2024
Board Member, Higher Education Authority 2017-2022
Council Member, Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland (SSISI) and Honorary Secretary (2018-2022). The Society has been in existence since 1847 and, through its public meetings each year, provides a unique meeting ground for discussion between decision-makers in the public service, business, trade union, academic and research communities. Since 2017
Invited appearance at Oireachtas Joint Committee on Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government, on the topic of short-term lettings June 2018
Reviewer, European Research Council (Starting Grant) 2022
Committee member, Dublin Economics Workshop (2016-2022; Chair, 2016-2018). Responsible for organising high-profile annual policy conference, where speakers include government Ministers and top civil servants as well as international experts. 2016-2022
Member of the Editorial Board of Financial Research Letters 2016-2020
Member, Department of Housing 'Housing Needs & Demand Assessment' Advisory Group 2019
Reviewer, American Economic Journal: Applied Since 2023
Member, Department of Housing 'Technical Working Group on Apartment Planning Policies' 2017
Invited appearance at Oireachtas Committee on Housing and Homelessness, on the topic of addressing Ireland's housing crisis May 2016
Reviewer, Journal of Housing Economics Since 2022
Reviewer, Applied Economics Since 2024
Reviewer, Real Estate Economics Since 2021
Review, International Journal of Central Banking 2021
Invited appearance at the Oireachtas Finance Committee, on the topic of mortgage finance and insurance November 2014
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems Since 2023
Reviewer, Energy Economics Since 2012
Reviewer, Oxford Economic Papers Since 2013
Reviewer, International Review of Financial Analysis Since 2014
Journal of the Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland: Reviewer, since 2015. Editorial Board, 2018-2022. Since 2015
Reviewer, Explorations in Economic History Since 2015
Reviewer, Financial History Review Since 2015
Reviewer, Economic History Review Since 2016
Reviewer, International Tax and Public Finance Since 2016
Reviewer, Journal of European Real Estate Research Since 2016
Reviewer, Journal of Property Research Since 2016
Reviewer, Regional Science & Urban Economics Since 2016
Reviewer, European Review of Economic History Since 2017
Reviewer, Economic & Social Review Since 2017
Reviewer, Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics Since 2017
Reviewer, Journal of Real Estate Research Since 2017
Reviewer, Yale University Press 2017
Reviewer, African Tax Institute Working Paper Series 2018
Reviewer, Journal of Economic History Since 2019
Reviewer, Journal of Urban Economics Since 2019
Reviewer, Journal of Development Economics Since 2019
Reviewer, Scandinavian Economic History Review Since 2019
Reviewer, Land Use Policy Since 2019
Reviewer, Enterprise and Society Since 2020
Reviewer, Energy Journal Since 2020
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Basic Basic Basic
German Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
American Economic Association January 2012
American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association January 2013
Economic History Association January 2014
Urban Economics Association 2015
Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland March 2015
Irish Economic Association January 2014
Economic History Society January 2014
Economic & Social History Society of Ireland January 2014 December 2019
Royal Economic Society September 2013 December 2018
European Economic Association January 2012 December 2015
Tom Gillespie, Ronan C. Lyons and Thomas K.J. McDermott, Estimating the flood risk discount: Evidence from a one-off national information shock, Environmental and Resource Economics, 88, (2), 2025, p1 - 19, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Maximilian Günnewig-Mönert, Ronan C. Lyons, Housing prices, costs, and policy: The housing supply equation in Ireland since 1970, Real Estate Economics, 52, (4), 2024, p1075-1102 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ronan C. Lyons and Elisa Tirindelli, The Rise & Fall of Urban Concentration in Britain: Zipf, Gibrat and Gini across two centuries, The Annals of Regional Science, 73, 2024, p1995 - 2018, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Alan de Bromhead, Ronan C. Lyons, Social housing and the spread of population: Evidence from twentieth century Ireland, Journal of Urban Economics, 138, 2023, p103603 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Tom Gillespie, Stephen Hynes, Ronan C. Lyons, The Value of a Sea View: Hedonic Estimates Using 3D Simulation and Natural Language Processing, Land Economics, 2023, p071522-0056R , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Richard Keely and Ronan C. Lyons, Housing Prices, Yields and Credit Conditions in Dublin since 1945, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 64, (3), 2022, p404--439 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
J. Carroll, R. Lyons and E. Denny, The Impact of Energy Cost Labelling on Property Energy Efficiency Premiums: Preliminary Results from a National RCT with, 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2019, 2019, pp1 - 5, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Rishi Ahuja, Ronan C. Lyons , The silent treatment: discrimination against same-sex relations in the sharing economy, Oxford Economic Papers, 71, (3), 2019, p564 - 576, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Francesco Pilla, Salem S. Gharbia, Ronan C. Lyons, How do households perceive flood-risk? The impact of flooding on the cost of accommodation in Dublin, Ireland, Science of The Total Environment, 650, (1), 2019, p144 - 154, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Andrew Linn, Ronan C. Lyons, Three Triggers? Negative Equity, Income Shocks and Institutions as Determinants of Mortgage Default, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2019, p1 - 27, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 3
James Carroll, Eleanor Denny, Ronan C. Lyons, Ivan Petrov, Better energy cost information changes household property investment decisions: Evidence from a nationwide experiment, Energy Economics, 139, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Housing Market: Supply, Pricing and Servicing Issues in, editor(s)O'Hagan, J. and O'Toole, F. and Whelan, C. , {The Economy of Ireland: Policy Making in a Global Context, London, Bloomsbury Publishing}, 2021, pp349 - 373, [Ronan C Lyons], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ronan C. Lyons, Ireland in 2040: Urbanization, demographics and housing, Journal of the Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 47, 2018, p122 - 128, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Housing Market: Supply, Pricing and Servicing Issues in, editor(s)John O'Hagan and Francis O'Toole , The Economy of Ireland - Policy & Performance, Dublin, Palgrave MacMillan, 2017, pp309 - 334, [Ronan C. Lyons], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The spread of rents in Ireland, over time and space in, editor(s)Lorcan Sirr , Renting in Ireland, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2014, [Ronan C. Lyons], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Inside a Bubble & Crash: Evidence from the valuation of amenities in, editor(s)Morten Balling & Jesper Berg , Property prices and real estate financing in a turbulent world, Vienna, SUERF, 2013, pp108 - 133, [Ronan C Lyons], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Shailendra Mudgal, Lorcan Lyons, François Cohen, R Lyons, D Fedrigo-Fazio, Energy performance certificates in buildings and their impact on transaction prices and rents in selected EU countries, Brussels, European Commission, 2013, Report, PUBLISHED
Ed Burke and Ronan Lyons (editors), Next Generation Ireland, Dublin, Orpen Press, 2011, Book, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Barrington Medal 2015
Foley-Béjar Scholarship, Balliol College (Oxford) 2011
Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College (Dublin) 2000
Depfa Bank Scholarship 2001