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Dr. Nicole Volmering

Research Assistant Professor (History)



Dr Volmering is Research Assistant Professor in the Department of History and Principal Investigator of the SFI-IRC Pathway Programme project "Early Irish Hands: The Development of Writing in Early Ireland". She currently teaches on the M.Phil. in Medieval Studies and is Trinity Centre for the Book Strand Coordinator for the History of Writing. In addition, she occasionally teaches in the School of Education and is a member of the CAVE research centre.

Her research interests centre on the manuscript culture and religious literature of the insular world, particularly medieval Irish martyrologies, eschatology, transmission of books and texts, genre studies, and palaeography. She has taught a range of medieval history, literature, and language modules at Trinity as well as the universities of Cork and Maynooth, and is currently teaching palaeography and manuscript studies. In addition, she has an interest in Higher Education (history and pedagogy) and regularly teaches T&L practices.

She previously worked as Assistant Professor in the School of Education and held funded fellowships in both Ireland and Germany, including an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Irish and Celtic Languages, Trinity College Dublin, an O'Donovan Scholarship at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, and an IKGF fellowship at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Erlangen. She obtained her PhD in Early and Medieval Irish from University College Cork as De Finibus Fellow. In her dissertation, which won the Johann-Kaspar-Zeuß-Preis, she analyzed medieval narrative accounts of journeys to the afterlife as didactic writing, with a focus on structural and eschatological development. Before coming to Cork, she completed an MPhil at Trinity College Dublin and two theses at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, where she specialized in Anglo-Saxon England.

  Continental philosophy   Early Christian Ireland   Early Christianity   Early Irish texts and literature   Early Medieval History   Education in ireland   Educational Values   Ethics   Foreign Languages Education   hagiography   higher education   Higher Education   Higher Education Policy   History Education   History of education   history of ideas   History of Ireland   History of Philosophy   History of the book   History of thought   history of time   History/Philosophy of Education   intangible cultural heritage   Ireland, Scotland and wales in the Middle ages   Irish cultural identity   Irish History   Irish in Europe   Irish language, literature and nationalism   IRISH LANGUAGE/LITERATURE   Irish Literature   Irish Manuscripts   Language and/or Literature, Medieval   Manuscript edition   manuscript studies   MEDIEVAL ECCLESIASTICAL LITERATURE   Medieval Europe   Medieval Ireland   Medieval Irish   Medieval Irish & British History   medieval literature   Medieval manuscripts   Medieval philosophy   Middle Irish   Old Irish language   Papacy, history of ideas in Central Middle Ages   Philosophy of logic and language   Philosophy of religion   Radiosources, Infrared, X-ray, Gamma Ray   Teacher Education   The literary sources   Values/Moral Education
 Early Irish Hands: The Development of Writing in Early Ireland
 Religious Writing in Ireland, 800-1630: The Transmission and Reception of the Félire Óengusso
 Foundation Libraries

Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Dutch Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Basic Basic
German Medium Medium Medium
Irish Medium Medium Medium
Latin Medium Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Societas Celtologica Europaea [Advisory Board]
American Society for Irish Medieval Studies [Rep]
The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature
Henry Bradshaw Society
Irish Association of Professional Historians (IAPH)
Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections (AMARC)
Institute of Conservator-Restorers Ireland, Associate
Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain
Gaelicisation, Education and the Gaelic Script in, editor(s)Nicole Volmering Claire Dunne John Walsh Noel Ó Murchadha , Irish in Outlook: A Hundred Years of Irish Education, Lausanne, Peter Lang, 2024, [Nicole Volmering], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED  TARA - Full Text
N. Volmering, The Adaptation of the Visio Sancti Pauli in the West: The Evidence of Redaction VI', Peritia, 31, 2020, p125 - 154, Notes: [DOI: 10.1484/J.PERIT.5.124477], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
The Rhetoric of Catastrophe in Eleventh Century Ireland: The Case of The Second Vision of Adomnán in, editor(s)R. Bjork , Catastrophes and the Apocalyptic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Turnhout, Brepols, 2019, pp1 - 13, [Nicole Volmering], Notes: [Proceedings of the 20th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Scottsdale ZA 10.1484/M.ASMAR-EB.5.117176], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
The Second Vision of Adomnán in, J. Carey, et al. , The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology, Aberystwyth, Celtic Studies Publications, 2014, pp647 - 681, [Nicole Volmering], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
The Old English Account of the Seven Heavens in, editor(s)J. Carey, et al. , The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology, Aberystwyth, Celtic Studies Publications, 2014, pp285 - 306, [Nicole Volmering], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Bibliography of Medieval Irish Eschatology and Related Sources in, J. Carey, et al. , The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology, Aberystwyth, Celtic Studies Publications, 2014, pp855 - 912, [Nicole Volmering], Notes: [], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Aigne, Cork, UCC: CACSSS, [eds.], 2012-2014, Notes: [Vols 2, 3, 5, 6 As co-editor and web-editor on the Editorial Board.], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED  URL

Nicole Volmering, Workshop: The possibilities and limitations of using FromthePage for transcription lessons, basic editing, collaboration, and crowdsourcing, Medieval DH Storming, Prague, Prague, 24/5-02-2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
FAHSS, Research Forum on the Research and Innovation Bill & the Research Landscape, TCD, May 8, 2023, FAHSS, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Workshop on the Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts, 29/05/2023, 2023, TCD, Notes: [], Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering , The Future of the Irish Research Landscape & Why it Matters, 17 April, 2023, TCD, Notes: [], Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Fragments from an Irish Sammelband, Workshop on the Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts, TCD, May 29, 2023, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Database Development for Manuscript Projects, Medieval DH Storming, Prague, Prague, 24/5-02-2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Irish Saints Between Past and Future: The Language of Memory and Identity in Félire Óengusso, Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies, Pavia, 09-09-2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Engaging with Manuscripts in the Digital Space: Accessible Palaeography Training for Students and the General Public, CSANA cnference, Fairleigh Dickinson University (virtual), March 31-April 3, 2022, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Intangible Boundaries: Sound and Sacred Space in the Early Middle Ages, ICM, Leeds, 04-07-2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Nicole Volmering, Training Workshop. Insular Manuscripts: the making of, 12-13 Dec 2022, In:Medieval DH Storming, Prague, 2022, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED


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Award Date
TRDA Group-Based Scheme 'Wandering Books' 2024-2028
TLRH Research Incentive Scheme 2023-25
SFI-IRC Pathway Programme grant 2021
IKGH Visiting Fellowship 2018-19
Enterprise Ireland Development Grant 2018-19
Teaching commendation from the Students Union 2016
Trinity Long Room Hub Research Incentive Scheme 2016-17
IRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2015
Johann-Kaspar-Zeuß-Prize for the Best Dissertation in Celtic Studies 2015
O'Donovan Scholarship 2012-2015
Travel Grant from the Irish Biblical Association (SPT) 2012
De Finibus Fellowship 2009-2012
VSB Fonds Scholarship 2007-2009
Harting Scholarship

My research interests span more than one discipline (as below), but key themes in my research are manuscript studies, the transmission of texts and ideas, the study of writing, and didactic approaches (historical and modern).

1. Research concerning the manuscript culture, language, religious history and literature of medieval Ireland, with a particular focus on manuscript studies (palaeography and codicology), and on the transmission of texts and religious ideas. Ongoing work in this area concerns:

  • the study of early Irish script, writing techniques, and the materiality of manuscripts (as part of my SFI-IRC project);
  • the history and manuscript transmission of martyrologies
  • the transmission of eschatological ideas
  • genre development and literary adaptation
  • the ongoing relevance of medievalism in the present
  • My work draws on Old Irish and Latin material, but also occasionally touches on Old English and medieval Dutch literature.

    2. Research interests in the broader field of Higher education and philosophy of education, specifically:

  • education in 20th century Ireland
  • humanistic approaches and transformative learning