Martine M. Smith, Clinical Cases in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 1st, London, Routledge, 2023, 1 - 200pp,
Neuvonen, K., Smith, M., Launonen, K. & von Tetzchner, S., Communication partner strategies in negotiation for meaning in interactions involving aided communication, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 37, (12), 2023, p1104 - 1123,
Journal Article,
Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Underserved or Unserved Populations in, editor(s)Sandra Levey Pamela Enderby , The Unserved: Addressing the needs of those with communication disorders, Surrey, UK, J & R Press Ltd, 2022, pp1-17 , [Dada, S., Murray, J., & Smith, M.],
Book Chapter,
Quigley, D., Smith, M., Hayes, N., What's the magic word? Mapping oral language interventions implemented in prevention and early intervention programmes, Irish Educational Studies, 2022, p1-24 ,
Journal Article,
Stadskleiv, K., Batorowicz, B., Dahlgren Sandberg, A., Launonen, K., Murray, J., Neuvonon, K., Oxley, J., Renner, G., Smith, M., Soto, G., van Balkom, H., Walter, C., Yang, Chih-Kang, & von Tetzchner, S. , Aided communication, mind understanding and co-construction of meaning, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 25, (8), 2022, p518 - 530,
Journal Article,
Sotiropoulou Drosopoulou, C., Murray, J., Smith, M., Launonen, K., Neuvonen, K, Lynch, Y, Stadskliev, K and von Tetzchner, S, Appraising Conversation patterns between children and young people who use aided AAC and their conversation partners in two-person and multiperson interactions - clinical implications , Communication Matters International AAC Conference , Leeds UK , 11/09/22, 2022,
Oral Presentation,
Clinical applications of speech synthesis in, editor(s)Martin J. Ball , Manual of Clinical Phonetics, London, Routledge, 2021, pp516 - 522, [Smith, Martine; Costello John],
Book Chapter,
TARA - Full Text
Sutton, Ann, Trudeau, Natacha, Morford, Jill, Smith, Martine, Expressive and receptive use of speech and graphic symbols by typically developing children: What skills contribute to performance on structured sentence-level tasks?, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23, (2), 2021, p155-167 ,
Journal Article,
Neuvonen, K.; Launonen, K.;Smith, M.; Stadskleiv, K.; von Tetzchner, S., Strategies in conveying information about unshared events using aided communication, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 2021, p1 - 17,
Journal Article,
Costello, John; Smith, Martine, The BCH message banking process, voice banking, and double dipping, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 37, (4), 2021, p241 - 250,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text