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Dr. Mícheál Hoyne

Assistant Professor (Irish)
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Dr. Mícheál Hoyne

Assistant Professor (Irish)


BA in Modern Irish and History from TCD (2010). PhD from the same institution (2014). Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in the Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2013-14). O'Donovan Scholar (2014-17) and Bergin Fellow (2017-22) in the School of Celtic Studies at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Co-editor of the journal Ériu with Prof. Emeritus Damian McManus. // BA sa Nua-Ghaeilge agus sa Stair ó Choláiste na Tríonóide (2010), PhD (2014). Cúntóir taighde in Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2013-14). Scoláire an Donnabhánaigh (2014-17) agus Comhalta an Aimhirgínigh (2017-22) i Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh, Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath. Comheagarthóir ar Ériu i gcomhar leis an Ollamh Emeritus Damian McManus.
Síle Ní Mhurchú, Mícheál Hoyne, Seal re saobhnós: essays on Irish courtly love poetry, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2024, xx + 285pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Bouncers, stewards and gatecrashers: access and hierarchy at the Gaelic court in Early Modern Irish literature, c. 1400-c.1650 in, editor(s)David Edwards, Brendan Kane , Ireland and the renaissance court: political culture from the cúirteanna to Whitehall, 1450-1640, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2024, pp29 - 44, [Mícheál Hoyne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Dearbh Fhorghaill, Cupid and Gofraidh Mac an Bhaird: courtly love and panegyric poetry at the end of the Bardic era in, editor(s)Síle Ní Mhurchú, Mícheál Hoyne , Seal re saobhnós: essays on Irish courtly love poetry, Dublin, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2024, pp147 - 186, [Mícheál Hoyne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ériu, 74, (2024), 269ppp, Damian McManus, Mícheál Hoyne, [Co-editor], Journal, PUBLISHED
Classical Modern Irish poems on the Uí Cheallaigh within and without Leabhar Ua Maine in, editor(s)E. Boyle, R. Ó hUiginn , Book of Uí Mhaine, Dublin, 2023, pp274 - 301, [Mícheál Hoyne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Uilliam Ó Ceallaigh, Gairm na Nollag (1351) agus stair eacnamaíoch Fhilíocht na Scol in, editor(s)Christina Cleary, Chantal Kobel , Essays in memory of Eleanor Knott, Dublin, 2023, pp67 - 130, [Mícheál Hoyne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ériu, 73, (2023), iv + 130p, Damian McManus, Mícheál Hoyne, [Co-editor], Journal, PUBLISHED  Other
Mícheál Hoyne, Paradigm splits and hiatus forms: the origins of Modern Irish sceach and Scottish Gaelic sgitheach 'thorn tree', and the Old Irish precursor of Scottish Gaelic dìthean 'flower', Ériu, 73, 2023, p105 - 120, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mícheál Hoyne, Finding the 'right' Irish for the New Testament: register in the first three printed books in Irish, 1567-1602, Linguistica, 63, 2023, p177 - 196, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ériu, 72, (2022), iv + 239p, Damian McManus, Mícheál Hoyne, [Co-editor], Journal, PUBLISHED

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Mícheál Hoyne, Review of Oidheadh Chloinne hUisneach: Reassessments Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 2023., by Kevin Murray (ed.) , Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 71, 2024, p359-361 , Review, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Review of The Mythological Cycle of Medieval Irish Literature, by John Carey , Studia Hibernica, 48, 2022, p162-4 , Review, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Review of Applying and Expanding Role and Reference Grammar (Freiburg, 2018), by R. Kailuweit, L. Künkel and E. Staudinger (eds) , Journal of Celtic Linguistics , 22, 2021, p189-192 , Review, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Richard Sharpe (1954-2020), Ériu, 70, 2020, p1-4 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Review of Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn: his historical and literary context (London, 2010), by P. Riggs (ed.) , Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 67, 2020, p282-286 , Review, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Review of Súgán an Dúchais: aistí ar ghnéithe de thraidisiún liteartha Chúige Uladh i gcuimhne ar Dhiarmaid Ó Doibhlin (Derry, 2019), by N. Mac Cathmhaoil, M. Nic Cathmhaoil and C. Mac Seáin (eds) , Celtica, 32, 2020, p293-297 , Review, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Review of Lorg na Leabhar: a Festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach (Dublin, 2019), by C. Breatnach, M. Ní Úrdail and G. Ó Riain (eds) , Celtica, 32, 2020, p298-300 , Review, PUBLISHED
Transmission, metre and language: some observations on the poetry of Giolla Brighde Mac Con Midhe in, editor(s)P. Riggs , The Poems of Giolla Brighde Mac Con Midhe: the poet and his craft, London, Irish Texts Society, 2019, pp24 - 70, [Mícheál Hoyne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Bardic Poetry, Irish in, editor(s)S. Echard and R. Rouse , The Encyclopaedia of Medieval Literature in Britain , Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell, 2017, pp232 - 236, [Mícheál Hoyne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mícheál Hoyne, Review of Aon don Éigse: essays marking Osborn Bergin's centenary lecture on Bardic poetry (1913) (Dublin, 2015), by C. Breatnach and M. Ní Úrdail (eds) , Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 63, 2016, p239-245 , Review, PUBLISHED


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Irish Bardic poetry; Classical Modern Irish grammatical tracts; the linguistic history of the Irish language; the history of the Irish language in print to 1871. // Filíocht na scol; tráchtaisí gramadaí na Nua-Ghaeilge Clasaicí; stair theangeolaíoch na Gaeilge; stair na Gaeilge i gcló anuas go dtí 1871.