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Ms. Louise Gallagher

Assistant Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Louise Gallagher has recently completed a research project for her PhD studies "Sub-optimal breastfeeding experience and its effects on women, factors affecting initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Ireland". She is a reviewer for several professional peer review journals. Louise has worked in midwifery practice and education and her research plan is centred around the following areas: breastfeeding, cultural competency, maternity care and professional regulation. Additional research interests include evaluation of knowledge and skills of health practitioners and voluntary supporters in supporting breastfeeding women, mixed-methods research and informed choice for women in maternity services. Louise represented midwifery as a member of the professional regulator; An Bord Altranais, from 2007 - 2012
 The national infant feeding survey
 The Rotunda and the Women of North Inner City Dublin:
 Peer supporters perceptions of a breastfeeding education programme
 Sub-optimal breastfeeding experience and its effects on women, factors affecting initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Ireland
 The factors affecting initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Ireland.

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Details Date
Vice Chairperson of the Association of Lactation Consultants of Ireland 2009 - 2011
Elected to An Bord Altranais in 2008 - 2012
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Medium Basic Medium
Details Date From Date To
Association of Lactation Consultants of Ireland 2004
McCarthy, E., Gallagher, L. & de Vries, J., Women's perspectives on the role and impact of Breastfeeding Support Groups in Ireland, Midwifery, 104181, 2024, p15 , Notes: [10.1016/j.midw.2024.104181], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Louise Gallagher Vivienne Brady Lesley Kuliukas Charlotta Dykes Christine Rubertsson Yvonne Hauck, Australian, Irish, and Swedish women's comfort levels when breastfeeding in public, BMC Public Health, 23, (2535), 2023, p1 - 8, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Carroll L, Gallagher L, Smith V, Pregnancy, birth and neonatal outcomes associated with reduced fetal movement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of non-randomised studies, Midwifery , 116, (103524), 2023, p1-15 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Charlotta Dykes, Pernilla Ny, Yvonne L. Hauck, Lesley Kuliukas, Louise Gallagher, Vivienne Brady & Christine Rubertsson , Women's perceptions of factors needed to encourage a culture of public breastfeeding: a cross-sectional study in Sweden, Ireland and Australia, International Breastfeeding Journal , 18, (49), 2023, p1 - 8, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Elizabeth McCarthy (Trinity College Dublin), Caroline Jagoe (Trinity College Dublin), Sara Kift (Trinity College Dublin), Martina Mullin (Trinity College Dublin) , Siobhan O'Brien Green (Trinity College Dublin) , Margaret Dunlea (Trinity College Dublin), Jessica Eustace-Cook (Library, Trinity College Dublin) , Claire Marshall (Trinity College Dublin) , Louise Gallagher (Trinity College Dublin), Survey of staff and students experiences of breastfeeding facilities in a third level educational institute in the Republic of Ireland, 'Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare': Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023, edited by 7-9 March , 2023, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Alsulimini, M., Hughes, M, Gallagher, L, Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Working mothers: A Critical Review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2023) `Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare, Trinity College Dublin, 07-09 March 2023, 2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Gallagher, L., Power, B. & Muldoon, K., Antenatal Interventions for increasing the initiation and duration of exclusive breastfeeding: an overview of systematic reviews, Back to Normal or Forward to Better? New Horizons in Healthcare, Dublin, 7-8th March, 2023, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Manar Alsuliman, Louise Gallagher, Mary Hughes, Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Working mothers: A Critical Review, ALCI National Conference 2023, Portlaoise, Ireland, 29th, 30th Sept 23, 2023, Poster, PUBLISHED
Louise Gallagher, Antenatal interventions for increasing the initiation and duration of breastfeeding: an overview of systematic reviews, ATU Sligo, 2023, Thesis, PRESENTED
Yvonne L. Hauck, Lesley Kuliukas, Louise Gallagher, Vivienne Brady, Charlotta Dykes and Christine Rubertsson, Breastfeeding in Public: An International Exploration of Women's Experiences, More Than Milk Lactation Science Symposium, The University of Western Australia, 25 Nov 2022, 84, (5), Proceedings , 2022, pp1 - 2, ppdoi: 10.3390/proceedings202308 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL

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Louise Gallagher, Supporting breastfeeding through education, PPI Ignite festival event, UCD, 28th Oct 2023, 2023, UCD, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Dr Louise Gallagher, Kathryn Muldoon & Denise McGuiness, Competence Framework for Breastfeeding Support. , The University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin , 2015, p1 - 36, Report, PUBLISHED
Gallagher, Louise, Why women stop breastfeeding and the realities of breastfeeding a newborn, Creating Realistic Breastfeeding Expectations, Green Isle Hotel, Clondalkin, Dublin, 4th October 2013, 2013, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Gallagher, L. & Connolly, B., The new legislative framework for regulating Nurses and Midwives in Ireland, An Bord Altranais National Conference October 2012, Dublin, Ireland, 10th October, 2012, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Gallagher L, Childbirth Matters - Childbirth and it's relationship with breastfeeding, Annual La Leche League of Ireland Conference, Bundoran, Donegal, 11th March 2006, 2006, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Gallagher L & Biesty L, Breastfeeding feature, The Rotunda Hospital Maternity Information guide, 2006, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Gallagher L, Finding and assessing information, Association of Lactation Consultants Ireland - Spring Conference, Cavan, April 2005, 2005, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED


Louise's research area of interest lies within Maternity Care and Women's Health. She is interested in research relating to all aspects of midwifery, midwifery education and maternity care but currently focusing on breastfeeding and peer support.