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Dr. Sandra Fleming

Assistant Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)
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Dr. Sandra Fleming

Assistant Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Sandra Fleming RNID RPN RGN RCT RNT PhD MA (JO) MSc in Education and Training Management, Cert Ed (FE) is an Assistant Professor in Nursing and BSc Cur Senior Fresh Course Coordinator at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin. She has extensive experience of teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate nurse education programmes and has held posts of responsibility such as Principal Tutor, Acting and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies (BSc Cur) and Course Co-Coordinator, Module Leader and External Examiner on undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Sandra has extensive experience of research supervision of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has several publications and has presented at national and international conferences. Her primary research interests in intellectual disability include the mental health needs of the person with an intellectual disability, the older adult with intellectual disability and complex age-related conditions and end of life care for person with intellectual disability. Her research in nurse education has covered issues pertaining to students learning styles and approaches, the drug calculations skills of registered nurses, the experience of mature students on undergraduate programmes and evaluation of advanced nurse practitioner role.
  Aging and Intellectual Disability   Nursing education
Project Title
 Literature review on the causes, prevention and management of crisis situations among young disabled people.
2nd April 2024.
2nd August 2024.
Multiple factors are likely to underlie challenging behaviour. Therefore, understanding what causes and prevents crisis situations in children and young people with autism and intellectual disability is paramount. Exploring the range of supports offered and how these evidence-based management strategies are implemented is essential. This literature review is important in informing the field and establishing a basis for further research.
Funding Agency
National Disabiity Authority
Project Type
Scoping Review.
Project Title
 A comprehensive overview of current practice and policy regarding the treatment and care of persons with a dual diagnosis of mental illness and intellectual disability.
December 2023
July 2024
This rapid review will inform the revision of guidance for staff providing mental health services to persons with intellectual disability.
Funding Agency
Mental Health Commission
Project Type
A rapid evidence review
Project Title
 Research on the Care of Older Adults with INtellectual Disability and Complex age-related Conditions.
February 2020
December 2022
Review the existing evidence base regarding the care of older adults with complex age-related conditions; Generate additional evidence regarding current models of care and additional evidence regarding expected future needs; Compare outcomes and quality of life in different care settings. Focus on the effectiveness of the different models regarding outcomes and quality of life and will also consider the cost implications of models.
Funding Agency
National Disability Authority
Project Type
Mixed methods
Project Title
 Exploring staff perceptions of end-of-life care for adults with intellectual disabilities
May 2019
September 2020
In 2018 a partnership research capacity building programme was established between the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing & Midwifery and three services providing services to people with an intellectual disability.The project with which I am involded is with Peamount Healthcare (Intellectual Disability Services) exploring staff perceptions of End-of-Life Care for adults with intellectual disabilities.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Nurse led innovation
Project Title
 The patients experience of nitrous oxide for sedation and relief of pain during botulinum toxin injection treatment for muscle spacity in children.
January 2019
June 2020
In 2018 a partnership research capacity building programme was established between the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI)School of Nursing & Midwifery and Tallaght University Hospital.The project with which I am involved in is childrens own experience of using Nitrous Oxide when receiving Botulinum toxin injection treatment for muscle spasticity.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Nurse led innovation

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Doyle C., Cleary M., Eustace Cook J., Fleming S., McMahon M., Sheerin F., Moore K.,, Factors that Lead to Behaviours that Challenge and Prevention and Management of Crisis Situations among children and young adults(CYA) with disability - a scoping review, THEconf, Trinity College 5/6 March 2025, Dublin, 5/6 March 2025, 2025, Notes: [Oral presentation], Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
McMahon, M., Doyle, C., Burke, É., Fleming, S., Cleary, M., Byrne, K., McGlinchey, E., Keenan, P., McCarron, M., Horan, P. and Sheerin, F., "Addressing health inequality and inequity for people with intellectual disabilities: a collective responsibility for all nurses", Tizard Learning Disability, 29, (3/4), 2024, p174 - 183, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Sheerin, F., Fleming, S., May, P., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Naseer, A., Lalor, G. & D'Eath, M., Challenges in Care and Service Provision for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Complex Age-Related Conditions in Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, (2), 2024, p248 - 259, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Doyle C., Cleary M., Eustace Cook J., Fleming S., McMahon M., Sheerin F., Moore K., Literature Review on the Factors that Lead to Behaviours that Challenge and Prevention and Management of Crisis Situations among children and young adults(CYA) with disability., TCD/NDA, October, 2024, p1 - 132, Notes: [Literature Review on the Factors that Lead to Development of Behaviours that Challenge and Prevention and Management of Crisis Situations among Children and Young Adults (CYA) with Disability - National Disability Authority (], Report, PUBLISHED  DOI
Intellectual Disability, Mental Health and Mental Disorders in, editor(s)Sheerin F. Doyle C, , Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social care across the Lifespan, Geneva, Springer, 2023, pp159-184 , [Fleming S., Peña-Salazar C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
McAnelly, S., Gates B., Sutton P., Griffiths C., Keenan P., Fleming S., Doyle C., Atherton H., Cleary M. , Intellectual disability nursing, the Cinderella relation of nursing: marginality explored through the oral histories of intellectual disability nurses. , Oral History, Autumn edition, 2023, p92 - 105, Notes: [ ISSN 0143-0955 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Fleming S., Burke E., Doyle C., Henderson K., Horan P., Byrne K., Keenan P. , Ensuring effective communication when undertaking a systematic health assessment, Learning Disability Practice, 2023, Notes: [doi: 10.7748/ldp.2023.e2197], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Sheerin, F. and Fleming, S., Can art and craft activities be used to stimulate discussion on mental health and wellbeing with people with learning disabilities?, Learning Disability Practice, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Sheerin, F., Angel Buil, S., Duran Salguero, J., Ferrer Lopez, D., Foden, E., McCann, E., Paans, W., Mpundu, G., Peña-Salazar, C., McCallion, P., Fleming, S., The SOOTHE eQuilt of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Supporting Voice, Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Doyle C., Griffiths C., McAnelly S., Atherton H., Cleary M., Fleming S., Gates B., Keenan P, Sutton P. , Past, Present and Future: Perspectives on an oral history of Intellectual Disability Nursing, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 27, (1), 2022, p190 - 205, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

Page 1 of 7
Sheerin, F., Fleming, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., May, P., Lalor, G. & D'eath, M. Fleming, S., The Care of Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Complex Age-Related Conditions, National Disability Authority, January, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED
Brady AM, Drennan J, Elliott N, Fleming S, Daly L, Varley J, Savage E, Hegarty J, Lehane E, Cotter P, Rogerson S, O'Reilly D, Bryant-Lukosius D, Evaluation of the Impact of Implementing a Draft Policy to Develop Advanced Nurse Practitioners (cANPs/RANPs) to Meet Health Service Needs, Trinity College Dublin/ University College Cork, January, 2020, Report, PUBLISHED
Fleming S. & Doyle C. , Nursing Frameworks of Care for Intellectual Disability Nursing - An Overview, Frontline, (99), 2015, pOnline , Notes: [Available to view at: ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Griffiths C, Crofton C, Horan P, Keenan P, Fleming S Sheerin F., Intellectual Disability Nurses' views on the future of nurse education in Ireland. , Moving Forward -The Role of Intellectual Nursing in emerging care configurations for People with Intellectual Disabilities., St Patricks Centre, Kilkenny, 25th September , 2012, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Griffiths C, Crofton C, Horan P, Keenan P, Fleming S & Sheerin F., A survey of the views of Registered Nurses in Intellectual Disability in response to the Review of the Intellectual Disability Undergraduate Nursing programme., Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, June, 2012, 1-20, Report, PUBLISHED
Malone, A-M., Brady, A-M. and Fleming, S. , Medication Safety: prevention of error with high alert medications., Hospital Pharmacy Europe, January/February, (48), 2010, p2 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brady AM., Fleming S., Malone AM., An Evaluation of the Drug Calculation Skills of Registered Nurses, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 2010, 1-46, Report, PUBLISHED
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Fleming, S., & Bourke, E., An Investigation of Dependency Levels of Ageing Persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) and the Implications from a Care and Resource Perspective, Dublin, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2005, Report, PUBLISHED


Ageing and Intellectual Disability, Nursing Education Mental Health of persons with an intellectual Disability. Curriculum Design and Development. Evaluation of Advanced Nurse Practitioner role End of life care