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Professor Colm Bergin

CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN /Clinical Professor (Clinical Medicine)
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Professor Colm Bergin

CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN /Clinical Professor (Clinical Medicine)

Professor Bergin is a Consultant Physician and Academic Lead in Infectious Diseases, St James's Hospital, Dublin and Professor of Medicine at Trinity College Dublin. His clinical and research expertise is focussed on chronic viral infections and their treatment outcomes, health services research with particular interests in complications associated with HIV-HCV co-infection, health-related outcomes, medical education, clinical trials and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment interventions. Professor Bergin developed the clinical specialty of Infectious Diseases at St James's Hospital and integrated the specialty with the previously established Department of Genitourinary Medicine. He has led the political advocacy to establish the field of social inclusion health and in advocating for patients from underserved and disadvantaged populations. Professor Bergin's Directorships encompass his role as Associate Director of the Wellcome - Health Research Board (HRB) Clinical Research Facility and Clinical Director of the Surgical and Medical Subspecialties Directorate at St. James's Hospital. Professor Bergin's holds an outstanding track record in academia and scientific research. His lifelong career has been dedicated to clinical and translational investigations into the causes and etiology of serious infectious diseases such as HIV, SARS and Covid. With over 200 peer reviewed articles and four book chapters which have been widely cited worldwide, he has made an important contribution to furthering the understanding of infection and viruses. Professor Bergin has secured over €20 million grant funding from Irish and International funding sponsors to support his research work. Professor Bergin is a dedicated teacher and has mentored a diverse portfolio of candidates to successful completion of MSc, MD and PhD degrees covering research topics in medical education; cost effectiveness of medical care (HIV and HCV); molecular and clinical epidemiology; immunology of host response to infections (TB and HCV); neurocognitive disease in HIV, HCV and COVID-19 infections and innovative interventions to affect social behaviours in disease modelling. Professor Bergin graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1989 and completed General Medicine and Specialist Training. Subsequently, Professor Bergin completed a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Boston University Hospital (1996-1999) and returned to Dublin in 1999 when he was appointed to his present consultant position in St. James's Hospital. Professor Bergin has worked in Blackrock Clinic since 2002. Prior leadership appointments have included National Clinical Lead, Infectious Diseases, HSE (2020-2022); Associate Director of the Wellcome-Health Research Board (HRB) Clinical Research Facility, St. James's Hospital Dublin and Interim Director, CRF (2012-2017); National Specialty Director, Infectious Diseases, Royal College of Physicians Ireland (RCPI) (2002-2017); Dean of Postgraduate Medical Training and Dun's Tutor, RCPI (2012-2015); Clinical Director of the Surgical and Medical Subspecialties Directorate, St. James's Hospital, Dublin (2006-2012); President of the Infectious Diseases Society of Ireland (IDSI) (2009-2012) and National Programme Lead for OPAT, Health Services Executive, Ireland (2010-2012). Other roles include co-Founding lead and past chair of the Irish Hepatitis C Research Outcomes Network (ICORN); Chair, Therapeutic Advisory Committee for COVID-19, HSE; Member, NPHET, DoH; Director, Hospital Site Accreditation, Royal College of Physicians (RCPI) (2017-2019) and Vice-President, RCPI.
Allen, Niamh and Brady, Melissa and Ni Riain, Una and Conlon, Niall and Domegan, Lisa and Carrion Martin, Antonio Isidro and Walsh, Cathal and Doherty, Lorraine and Higgins, Eibhlin and Kerr, Colm and others, Prevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection and vaccination in Irish hospital healthcare workers: changing epidemiology as the pandemic progresses, Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 2022, p758118 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kelly K O'Brien, Patricia Solomon, Soo Chan Carusone, Kristine M Erlandson, Colm Bergin, Ahmed M Bayoumi, Steven E Hanna, Richard Harding, Darren A Brown, Jaime H Vera, Marta Boffito, Carolann Murray, Rachel Aubry, Noreen O'Shea, Natalie St Clair-Sullivan, Mallory Boyd, Marilyn Swinton, Brittany Torres, Aileen M Davis, Assessing the sensibility and utility of a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire in clinical practice settings in Canada, Ireland and the USA: a mixed methods study, BMJ Open, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kelly K O'Brien, Darren A Brown, Colm Bergin, Kristine M Erlandson, Jaime H Vera, Lisa Avery, Soo Chan Carusone, Angela M Cheung, Susie Goulding, Richard Harding, Lisa McCorkell, Margaret O'Hara, Larry Robinson, Catherine Thomson, Hannah Wei, Natalie St Clair-Sullivan, Brittany Torres, Ciaran Bannan, Niamh Roche, Ruth Stokes, Patriic Gayle, Patricia Solomon, Long COVID and episodic disability: advancing the conceptualisation, measurement and knowledge of episodic disability among people living with Long COVID " protocol for a mixed-methods study, BMJ Open, 12, (3), 2022, pe060826 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Gerry Hughes, Eilis O" Toole, Una Coleman, Alida Fe Talento, Keith Doyle, Aisling O" Leary, Colm Bergin, Beyond consumption: a qualitative investigation of hospital clinician attitudes to receiving feedback on antimicrobial prescribing quality, Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology, 2, (1), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Townsend L, Fogarty H, Dyer A, Martin-Loeches I, Bannan C, Nadarajan P, Bergin C, O' Farrelly C, Conlon N, Bourke NM, Ward SE, Byrne M, Ryan K, O' Donnell JS, Prolonged elevation of D-dimer Levels in Convalescent COVID-19 patients is Independent of the Acute Phase Response., Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Liam Townsend, Adam H Dyer, Aifric Naughton, Rachel Kiersey, Dean Holden, Mary Gardiner, Joanne Dowds, Kate O'Brien, Ciaran Bannan, Parthiban Nadarajan, Jean Dunne, Ignacio Martin-Loeches, Padraic Fallon, Colm Bergin, Cliona O'Farrelly, Cliona Ni Cheallaigh, Nollaig Bourke, Niall Conlon, Longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 patients shows age-associated T cell changes independent of ongoing ill-health, Frontiers In Immunology, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Townsend, L. and Moloney, D. and Finucane, C. and McCarthy, K. and Bergin, C. and Bannan, C. and Kenny, R.-A., Fatigue following COVID-19 infection is not associated with autonomic dysfunction, PLoS ONE, 16, (2 February 2021), 2021, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Allen, Niamh and Brady, Melissa and Martin, Antonio Isidro Carrion and Domegan, Lisa and Walsh, Cathal and Doherty, Lorraine and Riain, Una Ni and Bergin, Colm and Fleming, Catherine and Conlon, Niall, Serological markers of SARS-CoV-2 infection; anti-nucleocapsid antibody positivity may not be the ideal marker of natural infection in vaccinated individuals, Journal of Infection, 83, (4), 2021, pe9--e10 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Thomas Phelan, Jean Dunne, Niall Conlon, Clíona Ní Cheallaigh, W. Mark Abbott, Raquel Faba-Rodriguez, Fatima Amanat, Florian Krammer, Mark A. Little, Gerry Hughes, Colm Bergin, Colm Kerr, Sudharshana Sundaresan, Aideen Long, William McCormack, Gareth Brady, Dynamic Assay for Profiling Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies and Their ACE2/Spike RBD Neutralization Capacity, Viruses, 13, (7), 2021, p1371 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kerr C, Allen N, Hughes G, Kelly M, O'Rourke F, Lynagh Y, Dunne J, Crowley B, Conlon N, Bergin C, SARS-CoV-2 anti-nucleocapsid assay performance in healthcare workers at baseline and 6 months., Irish journal of medical science, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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