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Dr. Anne Nolan

Visiting Research Fellow (Medical Gerontology)


Nolan A, May P, Matthews S, Normand C, Kenny RA, Ward M, Public health insurance and mortality in the older population: Evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Health Policy, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Brick A, Layte R, Nolan A, Turner MJ, Differences in nulliparous caesarean section rates across models of care: a decomposition analysis., BMC health services research, 16, (1), 2016, p239 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
The impact of the financial crisis on the health system and health in Ireland in, editor(s)Maresso A, Mladovsky P, Thomson S, Sagan A, Karanikolos M, Richardson E, Cylus J, Evetovits T, Jowett M, Figueras J and Kluge H , Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe: country experience, Copenhagen, Denmark, : WHO/ European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2015, [Anne Nolan, Sarah Barry, Sara Burke, Steve Thomas], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Nolan, Anne; Barry, Sarah; Burke, Sara; Thomas, Steve , The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Health System and Health in Ireland, Dublin, World Health Organization, January, 2015, Report, PUBLISHED
Health: Funding, Access and Efficiency in, editor(s)O'Hagan, J., Newman, C. , The Economy of Ireland; National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2014, [Nolan, A.,], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Hudson, E., Nolan, A., Public Healthcare Eligibility and the Utilisation of GP Services by the Older Population in Ireland, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2014, Notes: [In press], Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Nolan, A., Layte, R.,, Income-Related Inequity in the Use of GP Services by Children: A Comparison of Ireland and Scotland, European Journal of Health Economics, 2014, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Brick, Aoife; Nolan, Anne, Maternal Country of Birth Differences in Breastfeeding at Hospital Discharge in Ireland, Economic and Social Review, 2014, Journal Article, IN_PRESS  URL
Di Cosmo, V., Lyons, S., Nolan, A., Estimating the Impact of Time-of-Use Pricing on Irish Electricity Demand, Energy Journal, 35, (2), 2014, p117 - 136, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Layte, R., Nolan, A.,, Socioeconomic Inequalities in Child Health in Ireland, Economic and Social Review, 45, (1), 2014, p25 - 64, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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Di Cosmo, V., Lyons, S., Nolan, A., Estimating the Impact of Time-of-Use Pricing on Irish Electricity Demand, 2014, -, Notes: [ESRI Research Bulletin 2014/2/2], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Siobhan Leahy, Anne Nolan, Jean O' Connell & Rose Anne Kenny, Obesity in an Ageing Society: Implications for health, physical function and health service utilisation, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, July, 2014, Report, PUBLISHED
Nolan, A., O'Regan, C., Dooley, C., Wallace, D., Hever, A., Hudson, E., Kenny, R.,, The Over 50s in a Changing Ireland: Economic Circumstances, Health and Well-Being, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, January, 2014, Report, PUBLISHED
Layte, Richard; Nolan, Anne, Income-Related Inequity in the Use of GP Services: A Comparison of Ireland and Scotland, 2013, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Gorecki, P., Nolan, A., Brick, A., Lyons, S., Pharmaceuticals: Getting Better Value for Money, 2012, -, Notes: [ESRI Research Bulletin 2012/2/1], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Nolan, Anne, Commuting Behaviour and Car Ownership in Ireland, 2010, -, Notes: [ESRI Research Bulletin 2010/03/04 ], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Layte, R., Nolan, A., Improving Access to Primary Care in Ireland: Do GP Charges Matter?, 2009, -, Notes: [ESRI Research Bulletin 2009/2/1], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Nolan, Brian (ed.), Gannon, Brenda, Layte, Richard, McGregor, Pat, Madden, David, Nolan, Anne, O'Neill, Ciaran, Smith, Samantha, The Provision and Use of Health Services, Health Inequalties and Health and Social Gain, Dublin, ESRI, 2007, Book, PUBLISHED