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Dr. Annatina Aerne

Assistant Professor (Sociology)


  Political Economy   Social Policy   Sociology
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Annatina Aerne, Giuliano Bonoli, Normative, rational, and relational motives in cross-coalition coordination for a VET refugee program, Journal of Public Policy, 43, (2), 2023, p215"239 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Aerne, Annatina and Bonoli, Giuliano, Integration through vocational training. Promoting refugees' access to apprenticeships in a collective skill formation system, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 75, (3), 2023, p419-438 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ethnic Clustering in Schools and Early Career Outcomes in, CEPR Press Discussion Paper, 2022, [Chuard, Caroline and Aerne, Annatina and Balestra, Simone and Eugster, Beatrix and Hodler, Roland], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Las redes como creadoras de valor in, editor(s)Rychen, Ana Esquinas and BrÌhwiler, Claudia Franziska and Boanada, Vanessa , Coreografías transculturales = Choreographien transkultureller Begegnungen = Choreographing transcultural encounters : liber amicorum para Yvette Sánchez, Madrid, Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert, 2022, pp323-337 , [Rychen, Ana Esquinas and Aerne, Annatina], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Aerne, Annatina and Trampusch, Christine, Including migrant skills in a knowledge economy: The politics of recognition of foreign qualifications, work experience and industry courses, Social Policy & Administration, 57, (1), 2022, p16-33 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Pride but no prejudice: The Influence of Occupational Prestige on a Labor Market Integration Policy for Refugees in Switzerland in, editor(s)Patrick Emmenegger and Bonoli, Giuliano , Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge Economy, 2021, [Aerne, Annatina], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Neo-corporatism and collective skill formation: The policy network of Swiss professional training organizations in, editor(s)BÃŒrgi, Regula and Gonon, Philipp , Governance Revisited: Challenges and Opportunities for VET, Bern, Peter Lang, 2021, [Aerne, Annatina and Emmenegger, Patrick], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Aerne, Annatina, The creation of a global market for Colombian contemporary art through valuation and match-making, Poetics, 86, 2021, p101525 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Aerne, Annatina, Palm tree whispers and mountain escapes: How contemporary art works contribute to an inclusive public sphere, Social Inclusion, 9, (4), 2021, p180â€"190 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Aerne, Annatina, Prestige in social dilemmas: A network analytic approach to cooperation among Bogotá†s art organizations, Social Networks, 61, 2020, p196-209 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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