Processes toward managing family conflict in decision-making at the end of life in, editor(s)M. Blanco, M. Colvin, and A.E. Barsky , Beyond adversity: Global perspectives on family dispute processes for peace and justice, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2026, [Foley G],
Book Chapter,
Timonen V, Foley G, Conlon C., Quality in qualitative research: a relational process, Qualitative Research Journal, 2025,
Journal Article,
Featherstone HJ, McQuillan R, Foley G., Barriers and facilitators among healthcare professionals in specialist palliative care for end-of-life care decision-making with patients and caregivers, Palliative Medicine, 19th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Helsinki, May 29-31, 2025,
Published Abstract,
Rabbitte M, Charnley K, Brazil K, Foley G., The collaborative advantage: Opening doors, building relationships, involving patient and public, and attracting funding for collaborative research network in palliative care, Palliative Medicine, 19th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Helsinki, May 29-31, 2025,
Published Abstract,
Fagan N, Davies A, Foley G., Independent and shared decision-making among patient and caregiver dyads in specialist palliative care, Palliative Medicine, 19th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Helsinki, May 29-31, 2025,
Published Abstract,
Featherstone HJ, McQuillan R, Lombard J, Foley G., Palliative care healthcare professionals' perspective on the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Act 2022 for end-of-life care decision-making, 17th Kaleidoscope International Palliative Care Conference, Dublin, May 16-17, 2025,
Conference Paper,
Featherstone HJ, McQuillan R, Foley G., End-of-life care decision-making: Barriers and facilitators for healthcare professionals in specialist palliative care, 24th Annual Irish Association for Palliative Care Education and Research Seminar, Dublin, Feb 11, 2025,
Meeting Abstract,
Featherstone HJ, McQuillan R, Foley G., Healthcare professionals' perspective on supporting patients and family caregivers in end-of-life care decision-making: A qualitative study in specialist palliative care, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2024,
Journal Article,
Featherstone HJ, McQuillan R, Lombard J, Foley G., Palliative care healthcare professionals' perspective on the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity Act) 2015 in Ireland, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 14, (e3), 2024, pe2527 - e2531,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Fagan N, Davies A, Foley G., How do patients and caregivers in advanced illness support one another in decision-making for patient care? A qualitative interview study of patient and caregiver dyads in specialist palliative care, Palliative Medicine Reports, 5, (1), 2024, p417 - 424,
Journal Article,