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Dr. William Vaughan

Fellow Emeritus (History)
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Dr. William Vaughan

Fellow Emeritus (History)


Vaughan W.E., A New History of Ireland, vi, Ireland Under the Union, II, 1870-1921, Oxford University Press, 1996, Book, PUBLISHED
Vaughan W.E., Landlords and Tenants in mid-Victorian Ireland, Oxford University Press, 1994, Book, PUBLISHED
Paying for the Christmas Dinner: the College's Income and Expenditure in, editor(s)C.H. Holland , Trinity College, Dublin and the Idea of a University, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin Press, 1991, [Vaughan W.E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Vaughan W.E., Potatoes and agricultural output, Ir. Econ. and Soc. Hist., xvii, 1990, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Vaughan W.E. , A New History of Ireland, v. Ireland Under the Union, I, 1801-1870, Oxford University Press, 1989, Book, PUBLISHED
Vaughan W.E., Moody T.W., A New History of Ireland, iv. Eighteenth-Century Ireland 1691-1800, Oxford University Press, 1986, Book, PUBLISHED
Vaughan W.E., Landlord and Tenants in Ireland, 1848-1904, Dundalk, Dundalgam, 1984, Book, PUBLISHED
Vaughan W.E., Sin, Sheep and Scotsmen: John George Adair and the Derryveagh evictions 1861, Belfast, Ulster Historical Foundation, 1983, Book, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Vaughan W.E., Fitzpatrick A.J., Irish Historical Statistics: Population 1821-1971, Dublin, R.I.A., 1978, Book, PUBLISHED


Nineteenth-century Ireland, especially crime, police and the conduct of trials