Breslin, N., Brennan, D., Hollywood, E., Comiskey, C. and Sheerin, F., The role of Path Dependency Theory in the reproduced structures, systems and practices of the Irish Mental Health System over the last 200 years., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7th March, 2024,
Conference Paper,
Sheerin, F., Fleming, S., May, P., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Naseer, A., Lalor, G. & D'Eath, M., Challenges in Care and Service Provision for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Complex Age-Related Conditions in Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, 2024, p248 - 259,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Sheerin, F. and Doyle, C., Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan, First, Geneva, Springer Nature, 2023,
Sexuality, Gender Identity and Relationships in, editor(s)Sheerin, F. Doyle, C. , Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan, Geneva, Springer Nature, 2023, pp241 - 254, [Mannion, J., Sheerin, F.],
Book Chapter,
de Vries JMA, Downes C, Sharek D, Doyle L, Murphy, R, Begley, T, McCann E, Sheerin F, Smyth S & Higgins A, An exploration of mental distress in transgender people in Ireland with reference to minority stress and dissonance theory, International Journal of Transgender Health, 23, (3), 2023, p0 - 0,
Notes: [open access],
Journal Article,
Timmins, F., McCausland, D., Brennan, D., Sheerin, F., Luus, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, 0, 2023, p ,
Journal Article,
Sheerin, F. and Fleming, S., Can art and craft activities be used to stimulate discussion on mental health and wellbeing with people with learning disabilities?, Learning Disability Practice, 2023,
Journal Article,
Lynch, A., Kilroy, S., McKee, H., Sheerin, F., Epstein, M., Girault, A., Gillois, P., Bosson, J., Rolland, C., Harkin, M., McKinney, C., McKee, G., Active older adults goal setting outcomes for engaging in a physical activity app and the motivation characteristics of these goals (MOVEAGE-ACT), Preventive Medicine Report, 31, 2023,
Journal Article,
de Vries, Jan; Downes, Carmel; Sharek, Danika; Doyle, Louise; Murphy, Rebecca; Begley, Thelma; McCann, Edward; Sheerin, Fintan; Smyth, Siobhan; Higgins, Agnes , Irish transgender voices on mental health and mental healthcare, Mental Health and Social Inclusion., 2023,
Notes: [],
Journal Article,
Sheerin, F., Angel Buil, S., Duran Salguero, J., Ferrer Lopez, D., Foden, E., McCann, E., Paans, W., Mpundu, G., Peña-Salazar, C., McCallion, P., Fleming, S., The SOOTHE eQuilt of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Supporting Voice, Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2023,
Journal Article,