McCarron, M., Daly, L.,Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S.,Dunne, P.,and McGlinchey, E., 'Post-diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability', Launch of the Post Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2024, -,
McCarron, M., Data Driven Implications for Dementia Practice and Policy, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, 17th October, 2024, Trinity College Dublin,
Invited Talk,
McCarron, M., Leadership in Academica, Health Research and Health Care: Charting a Personal Journey, Prof. Mary McCarron Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Queen's University, Belfast, 21 May, 2024,
Invited Talk,
McCarron, M., Leadership in Academica, Health Research and Health Care: My Journey, Laura Lynn International Nurses Day, Leopardstown, Dublin, 15 May, 2024,
Invited Talk,
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., Tv viewing as a proxy for sedentary behaviour among older adults with an intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024,
Oral Presentation,
Corrigan, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., The impact of menopause on the mental health of women with an intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024,
Oral Presentation,
McCarron, M., Achieving equity in dementia care for people with intellectual disabilities: Standards, guidelines, memory services, and innovative models of care, Longitudinal Dynamics in the Ageing of People with an Intellectual Disability: How Evidence form IDS TILDA can inform and support strategic planning and service delivery, Charleville Park Hotel, Cork, 30 May, 2024,
Oral Presentation,
McCarron, M., A Five-Year Strategic Plan for Dementia 2024 - 2029 - Avista Memory Assessment and Post-Diagnostic Support Service, Avista, March, 2024,
McCarron, M., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., Daly, L., McCallion P., McGlinchey, E., Voices of Experience: Building Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability. Brief Report, 5, Trinity College Dublin, January, 2024,
McCarron, M., Daly, L., McCallion, P., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., McGlinchey, E., Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, 17, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2024,