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Dr. Michael Manzke

Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Non College Properties
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Dr. Michael Manzke

Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Non College Properties

Dr. Michael Manzke is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at TCD since 1999 and a member of the GV2 group. He received his PhD from TCD in 2006 and has published over 30 peer reviewed publications in journals and conference proceedings e.g. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) and International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). Furthermore, he filed 4 patents. Dr. Manzke's focusses on high performance low power graphics architectures and algorithms. This work is equally applicable to computer vision problems. Interactive Computer Graphics and Computer Vision applications require systems that deliver high performance while consuming very small amounts power. This is increasingly important for ubiquitous mobile applications such as augmented reality. He and his team of researchers address these research questions by investigating microarchitectures and algorithms that are specifically designed for Visual Computing computation. He works closely with industry partners such as Xilinx, Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, Intel, Sony, Toshiba, IBM, and Movidius on these problems. Dr. Manzke is supervising and supervised in total 13 team members: Postdocs(3), PhD(8), and Research Engineers(2). He has received 8 grants from Science Foundation Ireland, IRCSET, Enterprise Ireland, and Irish Research Council with a total amount of €1,826,319 and a total amount allocated to the candidate of €1,155,159.
  Computer architecture   Computer graphics, Meta computing   Computer Science/Engineering   Digital systems, representation   Distributed systems   High performance computing   Image synthesis   Kalman Filter   Modelling, modelling tools, 3D modelling   Networks and telecommunications research   Peripherals technologies   Signal processing   Systems control, Modelling, Neural networks   Systems Engineering   Systems/Control
Project Title
 A Shared-Memory Hybrid Graphics Cluster for Visualisation and Video Processing
In July 2004, SFI awarded Michael Manzke of the CAG, Dr Carol O'Sullivan of the ISG and Dr Anil Kokaram of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department a Basic Research Grant. As principal investigator, Dr Carol O'Sullivan leads this research effort that investigates "A Shared-Memory Hybrid Graphics Cluster for Visualisation and Video Processing".
Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
Basic Research Grant
Project Title
 Physical Simulation on Scalable and Reconfigurable Shared-Memory Graphics Cluster
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Real-time Ray tracing on multi-core architectures
Investigating efficient multi threading/parallelisation of graphics and rendering algorithms and their application to real time raytracing on next generation multi-core cpu architectures.
Funding Agency
Project Title
 A Scalable programmable architecture for Ray-tracing applications
This project investigates scalable and programmable architecture for Ray-tracing applications
Funding Agency
Enterprise Ireland
Project Title
 Motion Capture and Motion Capture Data Compressionon on Cell Processors
This Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership project with Sony Toshiba and IBM in concerend with motion capture and motion capture data compression on Cell processors.
Funding Agency
Enterprise Ireland
Project Type
Innovation Partnership

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Details Date
External Examiner with the School of Computing, Dublin City University for the BSc in Computer Applications (Software Engineering) programme. 2012-14
Management Committee Member to COST Action IC1005: HDRi: The digital capture, storage, transmission and display of real-world lighting 2011-2015
CTO QUATERNION LABS Limited 2010-2013
Co-Director SONY TOSHIBA IBM (STI) Cell Center of Competence Europe 2008
Program Chair: Workshop on Computer Architecture Education WCAE, held in conjunction with the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture 2009
International Program Committees (IPC): International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications GRAPP 2007-2011
International Program Committees (IPC): Workshop on Computer Architecture Education WCAE 2004-2011
International Program Committees (IPC): 4th International SCI-Europe Conference 2001
International Program Committees (IPC): Graphics and Virtual Reality 2011
Journal Referee: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2014
Journal Referee: IEE Proceedings Computers & Digital Techniques 2004
Journal Referee: Journal of Systems and Software 2005
Journal Referee: Computer Graphics Forum 2007
Journal Referee: IEEE Embedded Systems Letters 2011
Journal Referee: Neurocomputing 2011
Organising Commitee: Industry Programme Chair - Eurographics 2005
Organising Commitee: 2nd SCI Summer School 2001
Organising Commitee: 1st SCI Summer School 2000
Steering Committee: 4th International SCI-Europe Conference 2001
Reviewer: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's Strategic Project Grants (SPG) program 2009
Reviewer: Siggraph Asia 2009 Courses Program 2009
Reviewer: Euro-Par 2008 2008
Reviewer: Web3D 2008 2008
Reviewer: WSCG 2011
General co-Chair, 28th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) 2018
Event Chair, EGSR - 27th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2016
Local Arrangements Chair, High-Performance Graphics 2106
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
M. J. Doyle and C. Tuohy and M. Manzke, Evaluation of a BVH Construction Accelerator Architecture for High-Quality Visualization, IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, 2017, p83 - 94, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Colin Fowler, Michael J. Doyle, and Michael Manzke, Adaptive BVH: an evaluation of an efficient shared data structure for interactive simulation, Proceedings of the 30th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG '14), Smolenice, Slovakia, ACM, 2014, pp37 - 45, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
David Ganter and Michael Manzke, An Analysis of Region Clustered BVH Volume Rendering on GPU, Computer Graphics Forum, 38, (8), 2019, p13 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL  URL
Michael Doyle, Colin Fowler, Michael Manzke, A Hardware Unit for Fast SAH-optimised BVH Construction, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Proceedings, 32, (4), 2013, p139:1 - 139:10, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Muiris Woulfe and Michael Manzke, A hybrid fixed-function and microprocessor solution for high-throughput broad-phase collision detection, EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2017, (1), 2016, p1 - 15, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Michael Doyle, Colin Fowler, Michael Manzke, 'HARDWARE UNIT FOR FAST SAH-OPTIMIZED BVH CONSTRUCTION', U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2014, Patent, SUBMITTED  Other
Cem Direkoglu, Rozenn Dahyot, Michael Manzke, On using Anisotropic Di ffusion for Skeleton Extraction, International Journal of Computer Vision, 100, (2), 2012, p170 - 189, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Michael Manzke, Ross Brennan, Keith O'Conor, John Dingliana and Carol O'Sullivan, A scalable and reconfigurable shared-memory graphics architecture, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches), Boston, 30 July - 3 August, 2006, pp182 - 182, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL
Seán Martin, Seán Bruton, David Ganter, and Michael Manzke, Synthesising Light Field Volume Visualisations Using Image Warping in Real-Time, Communications in Computer and Information Science, VISIGRAPP 2019, Prague, 25-27 February 2019, edited by Cláudio A. et al. , 1182, Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp30 - 47, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Seán Bruton, David Ganter, and Michael Manzke, Fast Approximate Light Field Volume Rendering: Using Volume Data to Improve Light Field Synthesis via Convolutional Neural Networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, VISIGRAPP 2019, Prague, 25-27 February 2019, edited by Cláudio A. et al. , 1182, Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp338 - 361, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI

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M. Manzke, Cluster Computing, Dublin Institute of Technology, February, 2000, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
M. Manzke, A Computer Architect's view on Parallel Architectures, Dublin Institute of Technology, February, 2001, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
B. Skaali, M. Manzke, and B. Coghlan, SCI Hardware Support Tools , SCI Summer School 2000, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, October, 2000, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Muiris Woulfe and Michael Manzke, Field-Programmable Physics Processor (FP³), Xilinx Academic Forum Ireland (XAFI 2006), Citywest, 22 June 2006, edited by Dave Carroll , Xilinx, 2006, Poster, PRESENTED
Coghlan, Brian and Manzke, Michael, grid-ireland, ERCIM News, (45), 2001, Notes: [ERCIM The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Michael J. Doyle, Hardware Support for Power and Area Efficient Construction of High-Quality Bounding Volume Hierachies, Trinity College Dublin, 2014, Thesis, PUBLISHED
Fine-Davis, M., Welcome Address, Mental Health and the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities, Trinity College, Dublin, 13 March, 2000, Conference Paper, PRESENTED


Award Date
Master in Art (jure officii) Trinity College Dublin 2004
My PhD work on cluster performance estimation led to an interest into scalable reconfigurable architectures for large scale interactive graphics applications. I moved from the Computer Architecture Group to the Graphics Vision and Visualisation Group (GV2). I investigated with my PhD students and postdocs a scalable reconfigurable interface for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) as a closely coupled alternative to high latency cluster solutions. We also investigated a hardware message passing protocol that interconnects clusters of field programmable gate array (FPGA) directly as a cost-effective alternative to a share memory solution. At that point I changed my focus from scalable rasterization hardware to scalable ray-tracing hardware because I saw this as a potential solution for future large scale interactive graphics applications. I also believe that scalable closely coupled systems need to execute parts of their algorithm on microprocessors and other aspects on fixed function hardware (microarchitectures). Consequently, we investigated hardware accelerated collision detection and hardware accelerated construction of SAH based bounding volume hierarchies for interactive ray-tracing with particular promising results for the BVH builder. Furthermore, we investigate joint acceleration data structures for collision detection and ray tracing. This work can be seen in Nvidia's latest GPUs. Another interest developed through my research activities as Co-Director of the SONY TOSHIBA IBM (STI) Cell Center of Competence Europe. We investigated some computer vision problems particular Skeleton Extraction and Multiple View Reconstruction. We also worked, in close collaboration with Sony Broadcast & Professional Research Laboratories, at real-time Cell processor algorithm for their professional stereo camera rigs. More recently my work addresses the problem of real-time interactive visualisation of 3D scientific data, namely volumetric datasets, which are ubiquitous in many application domains such as Medicine, Biology, Biomechanics, Neuroscience, Fluid Dynamics and Veterinary Medicine. Specifically, this work deals with the problem of time-variant and multivariate volume data sets which have become more readily available in recent years due to improved scanning technologies and simulation techniques. Such data sets are particularly difficult to deal with due to their computational complexity as well as the information overload that can arise from such visually challenging data. We employ graphics hardware and parallel computing strategies to address the performance issue, whilst information overload is dealt with using techniques from perceptually adaptive graphics, computational aesthetics and non-photorealistic rendering which apply smart techniques to improve usability and understandability of data. I did this research in collaboration with my colleague Dr. John Dingliana. I focus on the performance issue while Dr. Dingliana looked after the perceptually adaptive graphics. Furthermore, much of my recent work focuses on low power architectures for computer graphics, deep learning, and light fields for volume rendering.