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Professor Kate Maguire

Professor In (Physics)

Casares J., Yanes-Rizo I.V., Torres M.A.P., Abbott T.M.C., Padilla M.A., Charles P.A., Cuneo V.A., Munoz-Darias T., Jonker P.G., Maguire K., The orbital period, black hole mass, and distance to the X-ray transient GRS 1716-249 (=N Oph 93), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, (4), 2023, p5209 - 5219, p5209-5219 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Graur O., Gonzalez E.P., Burke J., Deckers M., Jha S.W., Galbany L., Karamehmetoglu E., Stritzinger M.D., Maguire K., Howell D.A., Fisher R., Fullard A.G., Handberg R., Hiramatsu D., Hosseinzadeh G., Kerzendorf W.E., McCully C., Newsome M., Pellegrino C., Rest A., Riess A.G., Seitenzahl I.R., Shara M.M., Shen K.J., Terreran G., Zurek D.R., No plateau observed in late-time near-infrared observations of the underluminous Type Ia supernova 2021qvv, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, (2), 2023, p2977 - 2990, p2977-2990 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Maguire K., Magee M.R., Leloudas G., Miller A.A., Dimitriadis G., Pursiainen M., Bulla M., De K., Gal-Yam A., Perley D.A., Fremling C., Karambelkar V.R., Nordin J., Reusch S., Schulze S., Sollerman J., Terreran G., Yang Y., Bellm E.C., Groom S.L., Kasliwal M.M., Kulkarni S.R., Lacroix L., Masci F.J., Purdum J.N., Sharma Y., Smith R., SN 2020udy: an SN Iax with strict limits on interaction consistent with a helium-star companion, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, (1), 2023, p1210 - 1228, p1210-1228 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kool E.C., Johansson J., Sollerman J., Moldon J., Moriya T.J., Mattila S., Schulze S., Chomiuk L., Perez-Torres M., Harris C., Lundqvist P., Graham M., Yang S., Perley D.A., Strotjohann N.L., Fremling C., Gal-Yam A., Lezmy J., Maguire K., Omand C., Smith M., Andreoni I., Bellm E.C., Bloom J.S., De K., Groom S.L., Kasliwal M.M., Masci F.J., Medford M.S., Park S., Purdum J., Reynolds T.M., Riddle R., Robert E., Ryder S.D., Sharma Y., Stern D., A radio-detected type Ia supernova with helium-rich circumstellar material, Nature, 617, (7961), 2023, p477 - 482, p477-482 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Deckers M., Graur O., Maguire K., Shingles L., Brennan S.J., Anderson J.P., Burke J., Chen T.-W., Galbany L., Grayling M.J.P., Gutierrez C.P., Harvey L., Hiramatsu D., Howell D.A., Inserra C., Killestein T., McCully C., Muller-Bravo T.E., Nicholl M., Newsome M., Padilla Gonzalez E., Pellegrino C., Terreran G., Terwel J.H., Toy M., Young D.R., Photometric study of the late-time near-infrared plateau in Type Ia supernovae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, (3), 2023, p4414 - 4430, p4414-4430 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Dimitriadis G., Maguire K., Karambelkar V.R., Lebron R.J., Liu C., Kozyreva A., Miller A.A., Ridden-Harper R., Anderson J.P., Chen T.-W., Coughlin M., Della Valle M., Drake A., Galbany L., Gromadzki M., Groom S.L., Gutierrez C.P., Ihanec N., Inserra C., Johansson J., Muller-Bravo T.E., Nicholl M., Polin A., Rusholme B., Schulze S., Sollerman J., Srivastav S., Taggart K., Wang Q., Yang Y., Young D.R., SN 2021zny: an early flux excess combined with late-time oxygen emission suggests a double white dwarf merger event, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, (1), 2023, p1162 - 1183, p1162-1183 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sharma Y., Sollerman J., Fremling C., Kulkarni S.R., De K., Irani I., Schulze S., Strotjohann N.L., Gal-Yam A., Maguire K., Perley D.A., Bellm E.C., Kool E.C., Brink T.G., Bruch R., Deckers M., Dekany R., Dugas A., Filippenko A.V., Goldwasser S., Graham M.J., Graham M.L., Groom S.L., Hankins M., Jencson J., Johansson J.P., Karambelkar V., Kasliwal M.M., Masci F.J., Medford M.S., Neill J.D., Nir G., Riddle R.L., Rigault M., Schweyer T., Terwel J.H., Yan L., Yang Y., Yao Y., A Systematic Study of Ia-CSM Supernovae from the ZTF Bright Transient Survey, Astrophysical Journal, 948, (1), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Liu C., Miller A.A., Polin A., Nugent A.E., De K., Nugent P.E., Schulze S., Gal-Yam A., Fremling C., Anand S., Andreoni I., Blanchard P., Brink T.G., Dhawan S., Filippenko A.V., Maguire K., Schweyer T., Sears H., Sharma Y., Graham M.J., Groom S.L., Hale D., Kasliwal M.M., Masci F.J., Purdum J., Racine B., Sollerman J., Kulkarni S.R., SN 2020jgb: A Peculiar Type Ia Supernova Triggered by a Helium-shell Detonation in a Star-forming Galaxy, Astrophysical Journal, 946, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kwok L.A., Jha S.W., Temim T., Fox O.D., Larison C., Camacho-Neves Y., Brenner Newman M.J., Pierel J.D.R., Foley R.J., Andrews J.E., Badenes C., Barna B., Bostroem K.A., Deckers M., Flors A., Garnavich P., Graham M.L., Graur O., Hosseinzadeh G., Howell D.A., Hughes J.P., Johansson J., Kendrew S., Kerzendorf W.E., Maeda K., Maguire K., McCully C., O'Brien J.T., Rest A., Sand D.J., Shahbandeh M., Strolger L.-G., Szalai T., Ashall C., Baron E., Burns C.R., DerKacy J.M., Evans T.M., Fisher A., Galbany L., Hoeflich P., Hsiao E., de Jaeger T., Karamehmetoglu E., Krisciunas K., Kumar S., Lu J., Maund J., Mazzali P.A., Medler K., Morrell N., Phillips M.M., Shappee B.J., Stritzinger M., Suntzeff N., Telesco C., Tucker M., Wang L., A JWST Near- and Mid-infrared Nebular Spectrum of the Type Ia Supernova 2021aefx, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 944, (1), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Srivastav S., Smartt S.J., Huber M.E., Dimitriadis G., Chambers K.C., Fulton M.D., Moore T., Callan F.P., Gillanders J.H., Maguire K., Nicholl M., Shingles L.J., Sim S.A., Smith K.W., Anderson J.P., de Boer T., Chen T.-W., Gao H., Young D.R., The Luminous Type Ia Supernova 2022ilv and Its Early Excess Emission, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 943, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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blah, adfasdfa, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED