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Dr. Linda Doyle

Provost (Provost's Office)
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Dr. Linda Doyle

Provost (Provost's Office)


Dr Linda Doyle was appointed the 45th Provost of Trinity College Dublin by staff and student representatives, coming into office on August 1, 2021. The Provost is the Chief Officer of the university responsible to the Board and ultimately to the State for the performance of the university. She served previously as Trinity"s Dean & Vice President of Research (2018-2020) and was the founding Director of CONNECT " the Science Foundation Ireland research centre for future communication networks. Before that, she was Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Value Chain Research (CTVR). Prior to her appointment as Provost, Linda was Professor of Engineering and The Arts in Trinity. Her expertise is in the fields of wireless communications, cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management and creative arts practices. She has raised over €70 million in research funding and has published widely in her field. Linda has a reputation as an advocate for change in spectrum management practices and has played a role in spectrum policy at the national and international level. She has served as Chair of the Ofcom Spectrum Advisory Board in the UK and has been a member of the Open Research Europe Scientific Advisory Board. She was formerly a Director of Xcelerit and Software Radio Systems Ltd (SRS), two spin-out companies from CTVR. Linda has published extensively and has given over 100 keynotes and invited talks at various events globally. Combining creative arts practices with engineering for many years, she founded the Orthogonal Methods Group (OMG) a research initiative in CONNECT that works in critical and creative tension with technology with the purpose of generating knowledges, insights and alternative research orientations across disciplines that are sometimes perceived to be mutually exclusive. She serves on the Board of Science Gallery International (SGI), and served previously on the Board of the Festival of Curiosity, a STEM outreach activity for children based on a city-centre yearly science festival. Linda has also served as Chair of the Board of the Douglas Hyde Gallery (2013-2021), as a member of the Board of Pallas Project Studios, KTH Sweden Scientific Advisory Board, and the Board of the Wireless Innovation Forum. As well as her contributions to research and the arts, she is an active advocate for women in engineering and computer science. She has been involved in numerous initiatives such Girls in Tech, Teen Turn, and HerStory. She holds an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering (BE) from University College Cork and an MSc, PhD, and PGDIP STATS from Trinity College Dublin. She is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin and an Honorary Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Linda is a native of Togher in Cork and attended Togher Girls National School and St Angela"s College.
  Art & Technology   Cognitive Radio   Dynamic Spectrum Management   Feminist Research Methodolgies   Reconfigurable Radio   TELECOMMUNICATIONS   Wireless Communication Systems
Project Title
January 2015
December 2020
This project involved the founding and growing of a research centre of scale focused on telecommunications and future networks at a national level. The aim was to bring together over 250 researchers across 10 different HEIs to work together on key problems in telecommunications and build critical mass in the area. In addition it was essential to develop strong research collaborations with industry. The remit of the Director was also to drive technology transfer and commercialisation, deliver strong education and public engagement programmes, and grow the national and international reputation of the centre. The CONNECT Centre for Future Networks & Communications recognizes the centrality of networks to the economy, to society at large, and to Ireland's future development. The centre to provide a 'one-stop-shop' for research, education and innovation within the domain of future networks and communications. CONNECT recognises the need for an end-to-end perspective being brought to bear - rather than looking at networks from any one limited perspective. Hence the team has expertise ranging from the design of the physical elements that comprise the networks to the higher management, service and application layers; it has expertise in network security; it has wireless and fixed network experience; and has proven skills ranging from the theoretical to the practical. The CONNECT research programme has evolved to focus on six different network types, namely low energy networks, dense networks, converged networks, shared networks, moving networks and nano networks. This approach to thinking through networks facilitates fundamental breakthroughs as well as allows for applied research projects.
Funding Agency
Research Centres.
Project Type
Fundamental & Applied Research
Project Title
January 2016
December 2018
The technical objective for Pervasive Nation (PN) was to deploy a nationwide testbed based on a Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networking technology for exploring the whole Internet of Things (IoT) space. LPWA networks are particularly suited for the connectivity and networking of devices (things) that are small and simple; would normally require battery operation or only require small energy scavenging needs; are in difficult (inbuilding) or remote locations (e.g. rural farms) and have a low data rate requirement. When fully deployed PN would provide doubly secure, full bi-directional IoT connectivity to Ireland. Further, the aim was to make the testbed open and extensible, allowing additional partners to securely "join" their private networks to Pervasive Nation so as to leverage the scaled-out, resilient backend management and application enablement platform that it supports. The wider objective was to build a vibrant ecosystem of research and industry all working on LPWA challenges so that Ireland can get an edge from this nationwide testbed. This would require proactive building of this ecosystem. Associated with this objective was the desire to seed new companies, and support start-ups. Hence from the very beginning Pervasive Nation was ambitious in scale of deployment and in reach. PN consists of the 'things' (1), the basestations including software radio versions that can be manipulated and changed (2), backhaul (3), data centre (4), an application enabling platform (5), and service development platform (6). The idea was to build in a very modular fashion to ensure that all aspects of the testbed could be manipulated for the purposes of research and exploration. It was expected that there would be 10,000s of things per gateway and in geo-diversified environments ranges from a few km to the 30km range.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Research Testbed
Project Title
 Emerging Network Architectures
July 15th 2004
July 14th 2009
The Emerging Network Architectures is one of the five major research strands in the SFI CSET known as the Centre for Telecommunications & Value-chain Research. There are five main research tasks focusing on a variety of topics including distributed & disaggregated network architectures, cognitive & reconfigurable wireless networks, dynamic and self-organising optical networks among others.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Project Title
 Art of Decision
Jan 2003
Jan 2006
This is a joint research project with the Centre for Gender & Women's Studies. It takes an original approach to exploring women in political decision-making. It focuses on using new media and technologies in alternative & creative ways to highlight relevant issues and to create dialogue around those issues.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Project Title
 Connectivity Probes
Oct 2003
Sept 2006
This is a project that explores connectivity through the use of art & technology based installations.
Funding Agency
Project Type

Details Date From Date To
IEEE Member 1996 -
Sabeti, P. and Farhang, A. and Marchetti, N. and Doyle, L., Frequency synchronization for OFDM-Based Massive MIMO systems, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67, (11), 2019, p2973-2986 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Basu, D. and Gupta, G.S. and Zhang, Y. and Nag, A. and Doyle, L., Experimental evaluation of SAPC-R: An adaptive power control protocol for mobile sensors, (8531046), 2018, Notes: [cited By 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Adonias, G.L. and Barros, M.T. and Doyle, L. and Balasubramaniam, S., Utilising EEG signals for modulating neural molecular communications, 2018, Notes: [cited By 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
P. Sabeti, A. Farhang, N. Marchetti, L. Doyle, CFO Estimation for OFDM-based Massive MIMO Systems in Asymptotic Regime, IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 2018, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kremo, H. and Farrell, T. and Tallon, J. and McDonald, D. and Doyle, L., A method to enhance ranging resolution for localization of LoRa Sensors, 2017-October, 2018, pp1-6 , Notes: [cited By 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Di Pascale, E. and Macaluso, I. and Nag, A. and Kelly, M. and Doyle, L., The Network as a Computer: a Framework for Distributed Computing over IoT Mesh Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, Notes: [cited By 0; Article in Press], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Shayanfar, H. and Saeedi-Sourck, H. and Farhang, A. and Doyle, L.E., Maximum-likelihood synchronization and channel estimation with multiuser detection in GFDMA, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 29, (6), 2018, pe3424-, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
A. Delmade, C. Browning, A. Farhang, N. Marchetti, L. Doyle, D. Koilpillai, L. Barry, D. Venkitesh, Performance Analysis of Analog IF over Fiber Fronthaul link with 4G & 5G Co-existence, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 10, 2018, p174-182 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ahmadi H, Macaluso I, Gomez I, Dasilva L, Doyle L, Virtualization of spatial streams for enhanced spectrum sharing, 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2016 - Proceedings, 2017, 2017, Notes: [Export Date: 3 April 2017], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
A. Selim, F. Paisana, J. A. Arokkiam, Y. Zhang, L. E. Doyle, and L. A. DaSilva, Spectrum Monitoring for Radar Bands Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE Globecom, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017, 2017, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL

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Butt, M.M. and Macaluso, I. and Jorswieck, E.A. and Bradford, J. and Marchetti, N. and Doyle, L., Spectrum matching in licensed spectrum sharing, Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2018, Journal Article, PUBLISHED