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Dr. Catherine Lawless

Assistant Professor (Centre For Gender & Womens Studies)
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Dr. Catherine Lawless

Assistant Professor (Centre For Gender & Womens Studies)


  Cultural History   Family, Church history   gender and sexuality   Italian History   Medieval History   Medieval Italy, history of Luca, Paolo Guinigi   Medieval Studies   Religious History   Renaissance History   Renaissance Studies   Visual Arts
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Medium
German Medium Basic Basic
Italian Fluent Medium Medium
Latin Fluent Medium Basic
Details Date From Date To
Dublin Medieval Society 1995 2013
Renaissance Society of America 2000 present
College Art Society 2000 present
Hagiography Society 2000 present
Women's History Association of Ireland 2003 present
Medieval Feminist Society 2000 present
Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland 2008 present
Association of Art Historians 2000 present
Saintly systems of healing: images, devotion and cures in, editor(s)Robert Brennan, Fabian Jonietz and Romana Sammern , Visual arts and medicine in early modern Europe and beyond: A collection of essays and sources, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2025, pp1-14 , [Catherine Lawless], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS  TARA - Full Text
Vetula, Vecchia, Prophetess, Saint: the Old Woman in the Florentine Trecento in, editor(s)Judith Steinhoff , Brepols Trecento 6, Turnhout, Brepols, 2025, [Catherine Lawless], Book Chapter, APPROVED  TARA - Full Text
The Power of Penitence: Penitent Women and the Friars in Medieval Florence in, editor(s)Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D'Aughton and Anne-Julie Lafaye , Mendicants on the Margins, Cork, Cork University Press, 2024, pp82 - 99, [Catherine Lawless], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Homosexuality and Lesbianism in Irish Newspapers, 1861-1922 in, editor(s)Jyoti Atwal, Ciara Breathnach and Sarah-Anne Buckley , Gender History: Ireland 1850-1922, London, Routledge (India), 2023, [Catherine Lawless and Ciara Breathnach], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Clothed with her flesh: a Florentine Madonna del Cucito in, editor(s)D. O'Donovan and N. Nic Ghabhann , Mapping New Territories in Art and Architectural Histories: Essays in Honour of Roger Stalley, Turnhout, Brepols, 2021, pp315 - 326, [Catherine Lawless], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
'Imaging Power: Gender, Power, and Authority in Florentine Piety' in, editor(s)Thomas W. Smith , Authority and Power in the Medieval Church, c.1000-c.1500, Turnhout, Brepols, 2020, pp223 - 234, [Catherine Lawless], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Catherine Lawless, The Power of Penitence: Penitent Women and the Friars in Medieval Florence, Mendicants on the Margins, University College Cork, 27 June 2018, 2020, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
Catherine Lawless, 'Make of your home a temple', Religions, 11, 2020, p1 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Catherine Lawless, ''Lorenzetti, Ambrogio and Pietro'', Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, O-P, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2017, -, Digital research resource production, PUBLISHED
Catherine Lawless, Patienthood in medieval Tuscany: beliefs and cures, Medical Humanities, 42, (2), 2016, p76 - 80, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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Catherine Lawless, Sin, Penitence and Virginity: Representing the Female Saint in Renaissance Italy, Centre for Early Modern Studies Research Seminar Series, University of Limerick, 5 February , 2019, Centre for Early Modern Studies , Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Catherine Lawless, Representation of holy bodies: space, power and gender in medieval Florence, Women, Space and Place, UCC, 16 November , 2017, Dr Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D'Aughton, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Catherine Lawless, The Body, the Archive and Visual Sources, The Body and the Archive, Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin, 21 September, 2017, Dr Ciara Breathnach, UL, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Catherine Lawless, Saintly and Other Bodies in Late Medieval Tuscany, Seminar in the Medical Humanities, Trinity Long Room Hub, 9 December , 2015, TCD Medical and Health Humanities Initiative, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Catherine Lawless, Saint Anne in the Italian Baroque, Baroque Saints, National Gallery of Ireland, 28 March, 2015, National Gallery of Ireland, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Catherine Lawless, Saints, sexualities and representation, January 2014, 2014, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Bristol, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Catherine Lawless, 'Lucrezia Borgia', Talking History, at Newstalk, Dublin, 2012, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Catherine Lawless, Lorenzo and Giovanna, Review of Lorenzo and Giovanna. Timeless Art and Fleeting Lives in Renaissance Florence, by Gert Jan Van der Sman , Renaissance Studies, 26, (2), 2012, p312-314 , Review, PUBLISHED
Yvonne Davis, Mary Healy, Catherine Lawless, 'Familiar Faces: Works by Influential Women Artists from the Patrick J. Murphy Collection', Bourn Vincent Gallery, University of Limerick, University of Limerick, 2008, -, Exhibition, PUBLISHED
Catherine Lawless, Art and Devotion, Review of Art and Devotion in Late Medieval IReland, by Rachel Moss, Colman O Clabaigh, Salvador Ryan , Irish Historical Studies, 36, (141), 2008, p105-106 , Review, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Book Prize for Collaborative Project by the Society of Early Modern Women 2003
My research focuses on the role of gender and identity in Italian Medieval and Renaissance art and in particular, on the representation of the female religious body. I am interested in how bodies were represented and understood, so my research intersects with history of the body and ideas surrounding identity and embodiment. I am also interested in Catholic art of the religious revival of the nineteenth-century in Ireland and the role of women as patrons.