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Dr. Jean Whyte

Fellow Emeritus (Social Studies)
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Dr. Jean Whyte

Fellow Emeritus (Social Studies)


B.A. (II.1) NUI [Italian & French], Dott. Lett (Milan), Hdip Ed (NUI), MSc [Dev & Ed. Psychology] (QUB), MA (TCD), PhD (Psychology) [QUB] F.T.C.D., A.B.Ps.S. (Associate Fellow British Psychological Society), C.Psychol. (Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society), Reg Psychol. (Registered Psychologist, Associate Fellow, Psychological Society of Ireland). Holder of various scholarships, awards, fellowships during career to date including Fulbright Senior Fellowship Award in 1994-95 - spent in Chapel Hill North Carolina
Project Title
Funding Agency
National Council for Special Education
Project Title
Funding Agency
AIB Schoolmate
Project Title
Funding Agency
Social Services Inspectorate
Project Title
Ombudsman for Children - Participation Audit (€30,000)
Project Title
Early School Leaving and Children with Disabilities - €68,000
Funding Agency
National Disability Authority

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Spring, N., Daly, M., Byrne, T., and Whyte, J., Reconceptualising Community Playgroups in Ireland, Questions of Quality: CECDE Conference Proceedings, Dublin:CECDE, 2005, pp373 - 385, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Jean Whyte, Ian Schermbrucker, Political Involvement of young people in Northern Ireland, Journal of Social Issues, 60, (3), 2004, p603 - 627, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Jean Whyte, Predictors and correlates of perceptions of self-worth for 17 year olds in Belfast and Dublin, Irish Journal of Psychology, 21, (3-4), 2000, p247 - 257, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Adolescent Development in, Issues in Applied Developmental Psychology and Child Psychiatry, London, Edwin Mellin Press, 1999, [Jean Whyte], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Gendered Development: Childhood in, editor(s)J. Kremer and K. Trew , Gender and Development, Arnold,, 1998, pp97 - 106, [Jean Whyte], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Political socialization in Northern Ireland: the case of a divided society in, editor(s)M. Yates and J. Youniss , International Perspectives on Community Service and Political Engagement, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp156 - 177, [Jean Whyte], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Jean Whyte, Young Citizens In Changing Times: Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, Journal of Social Issues, 54, (3), 1998, p603 - 620, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Jean Whyte, Changing Times: Challenges to Identity: 12 year-olds in Belfast 1981 and 1992, Aldershot, Avebury Press, 1995, 260pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Jean Whyte, Attentional processes and dyslexia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 11, (2), 1994, p99 - 116, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Patterns of development in good and poor readers age 6 -11 in, editor(s)S, Wright and R. Groner , Facets of Dyslexia, North-Holland, Elsevier, 1993, pp455 - 482, [Jean Whyte], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Greene, S., Kelly, R., Nixon, E., Kelly, G., Borska, Z., Murphy, S., Daly, A., Whyte, J., Murphy, C., A Study of Intercountry Adoption Outcomes in Ireland , Dublin, The Adoption Board, 2007, 361, Report, PUBLISHED
Byrne, Tina, Nixon Liz, Mayock Paula and Whyte Jean, Leisure and recreation needs of young people in disadvantaged areas, Dublin, Combat Poverty Agency, 2006, Book, PUBLISHED
Keogh, Anna Fiona and Whyte, Jean, School Councils in Second Level Schools, Dublin, Children's Research Centre and National Children's Office, 2005, Book, PUBLISHED
Smyth, Karen and Whyte, Jean, Making a New Life in Ireland: Lone refugee and asylum seeking mothers and their children, 2005, Notes: [(with Vincentian Refugee Centre).], Book, PUBLISHED
Whyte, Jean, Research with children with disabilities: A review of practical and ethical concerns; Guidelines and checklist, 2005, Notes: [(with the National Disability Authority).], Book, PUBLISHED
Whyte, Jean, Working with culturally diverse children and their families: a review of best practice and guidelines, 2005, Notes: [(for Barnardos).], Book, PUBLISHED
Whyte, Jean and Smyth, Colm, ISPCC Childline: A review, Dublin, ISPCC and Children's Research Centre, 2004, Book, PUBLISHED
Keogh, Anna Fiona and Whyte, Jean, Getting On: The experiences and aspirations of immigrant students in second levels schools linked to the Trinity Access Programmes, Dublin, Children's Research Centre, 2003, Book, PUBLISHED


Longitudinal developmental issues; gender issues; effects of the Troubles; identity and self-worth; civic involvement of young people; attitudes and memories in Ireland/Northern Ireland, reading development and disorders; research and methodology issues; qualitative methods; innovative methods; services for children; educational disadvantage.