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Dr. Carsten Ehrhardt

Professor (Pharmacy)

Dr. Carsten Ehrhardt is Professor in Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. He was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 2013. Carsten has obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biopharmaceutics from Saarland University in 2003. His research is focused on lung drug disposition, pulmonary epithelial transport and molecular origins of airways disease. He has edited 1 book and (co-)authored 113 peer-reviewed publications, 12 book chapters and more than 250 abstracts and conference proceedings. Carsten has given over 150 invited oral presentations at research institutions, international conferences and workshops. He is a member of Gesellschaft für Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie (VdSO), Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), American Physiological Society (APS) and Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX). Carsten is the proud recipient of honours and awards from DPhG, APS and Galenus Foundation. He is Section Editor of European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Associate Editor of Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. He actively serves on the Editorial Boards of European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Research, and Pharmaceutics.
  AEROSOL   ALVEOLAR EPITHELIAL-CELLS   ALVEOLAR EPITHELIUM   Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, obstructive airways, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary fibrosis   Biomedical sciences   Biopharmaceutical aspects of drug delivery systems   BRONCHIAL EPITHELIUM   Cell and tissue development   Drug development and evaluation   IN VITRO MODEL   In vitro testing, trial methods   INHALATION   IN-VITRO CULTURE   LIPOSOMES   LUNG   Membrane transport, structure and dynamics   Physiological and physiochemical barriers to drug absorption   Physiology   Respiratory System
 Evaluation of the impact of membrane efflux transporters in the selective lung distribution of inhaled drugs
 Establishment and validation of an isolated and perfused porcine lung model for inhalation biopharmaceutical investigations
 PET/MR imaging to assess the role of membrane transporters in pulmonary disposition of inhaled drugs

Details Date
Member, Board of Examiners in Pharmaceutical Technology 2002 - 2011
Local Co-ordinator, Marie-Curie Early Stage Training (EST) Network "Galenos EuroPhD in Advanced Drug Delivery" 2006 - 2010
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 2008 - present
Professor Invité, Laboratoire de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France 2010 - July 2014
Chair, Drug Delivery: Emerging Therapies Networking Group, International Society for Aerosols in Medicine 2011 - 2013
Member, Management Committee, COST Action BM1201: Developmental Origins of Chronic Lung Disease 2012 - 2016
Chair, Imaging, Modeling, and Physiology of Aerosols in the Lung, International Society for Aerosols in Medicine 2013 - 2015
Member, Management Committee, COST Action MP1404: Simulation and pharmaceutical technologies for advanced patient-tailored inhaled medicines (SimInhale) 2014 - 2018
Vice-Leader, WG5: Toxicity, Risk Assessment and Regulation, COST Action MP1404: Simulation and pharmaceutical technologies for advanced patient-tailored inhaled medicines (SimInhale) 2014 - 2018
Member, Council, Western Epithelial Biology Society (formerly West Coast Salt and Water Club) 2015 - present
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2015 - present
Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2015 - present
Member, Awards Committee, International Society for Aerosols in Medicine 2015 - present
Member, Editorial Board, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2017 - present
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018 - 2020
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Medium Basic Basic
Spanish Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Gesellschaft für Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie, VdSO 1997 Present
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft, DPhG 2000 Present
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, AAPS 2002 Present
International Society for Aerosols in Medicine, ISAM 2003 Present
American Physiological Society, APS 2006 Present
Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics, JSSX 2015 Present
JE Hastedt, P Bäckman, A Cabal, A Clark, C Ehrhardt, B Forbes, AJ Hickey, G Hochhaus, W Jiang, S Kassinos, P Kuehl, D Prime, YJ Son, S Teague, U Tehler, J Wylie, iBCS: 3. A Biopharmaceutics Classification System for Inhaled Drug Delivery, Mol Pharm, 21, (1), 2024, p164-172 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Sake JA, Selo MA, Burtnyak L, Dähnhardt HE, Helbet C, Mairinger S, Langer O, Kelly VP, Ehrhardt C., Knockout of ABCC1 in NCI-H441 cells reveals CF to be a suboptimal substrate to study MRP1 activity in organotypic in vitro models., European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences, 181, 2023, p106364 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
S Mairinger, I Hernández-Lozano, T Filip, M Löbsch, J Stanek, M Zeitlinger, M Hacker, N Tournier, T Wanek, C Ehrhardt, O Langer, Influence of P-glycoprotein on pulmonary disposition of the model substrate [11C]metoclopramide assessed by PET imaging in rats, Eur J Pharm Sci , 183, 2023, p106404-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
LL Tundisi, JA Ataide*, JSR Costa, DF Coêlho, RB Liszbinski; AM Lopes, L Oliveira-Nascimento, MB de Jesus, AF Jozala, C Ehrhardt, PG Mazzola, Nanotechnology as a tool to overcome macromolecules delivery issues. , Colloids Surf B , 222, 2023, p113043-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
S Mairinger, I Hernández-Lozano, L Zachhuber, T Filip, M Löbsch, M Zeitlinger, M Hacker, C Ehrhardt, O Langer, Effect of budesonide on pulmonary activity of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 assessed with PET imaging in rats. , Eur J Pharm Sci, 184, 2023, p106414-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
MJ Lyons, C Ehrhardt, JJ Walsh, Orellanine: From fungal origins to a future cancer treatment, J Nat Prod, 86, (6), 2023, p620-1631 , Review Article, PUBLISHED  URL
B Falade, C Ehrhardt, In vitro dissolution testing methods for inhaled drugs, Istanbul J Pharm, 53, (2), 2023, p239-250 , Review Article, PUBLISHED  URL
JE Hastedt, P Bäckman, A Cabal, A Clark, C Ehrhardt, B Forbes, AJ Hickey, G Hochhaus, W Jiang, S Kassinos, P Kuehl, D Prime, YJ Son, S Teague, U Tehler, J Wylie, The iBCS: 1. Principles and Framework of an Inhalation-based BCS, Mol Pharm, 19, (7), 2022, p2032 - 2039, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
P Bäckman, A Cabal, A Clark, C Ehrhardt, B Forbes, JE Hastedt, AJ Hickey, G Hochhaus, W Jiang, S Kassinos, P Kuehl, D Prime, YJ Son, S Teague, U Tehler, J Wylie, The iBCS: 2. Mechanistic Modelling of Pulmonary Availability of Inhaled Medicines versus Critical Product Attributes, Mol Pharm, 19, (7), 2022, p2040 - 2047, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
I Hernández-Lozano, S Mairinger, T Filip, M Sauberer, T Wanek, J Stanek, JA Sake, T Pekar, C Ehrhardt, O Langer, PET imaging to assess the impact of P-glycoprotein on pulmonary drug delivery in rats, J Control Release, 342, 2022, p44 - 52, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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C Ehrhardt, The impact of lung epithelial transporters on pulmonary drug delivery, 14th PBP World Meeting 2024, Wien, Austria, 21/03/2024, 2024, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, MRP1's role in pulmonary drug absorption - a never ending story?, 4th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPS), Kufa, Iraq, 16/03/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, Systemic pulmonary drug delivery, 8th Pulmonary Drug Delivery Workshop, Istanbul, Türkiye, 31/05/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, Von hinten durch die Brust in"s Auge - Systemische Therapie per Inhalation, 5. Jahrestagung ARKOS, Papenburg, Germany, 15/06/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, In vitro and ex vivo models for inhalation biopharmaceutical studies, 2nd INNOVATRIX Respiratory Drugs Summit: Formulation & Drug Delivery, Prague, Czechia, 06/10/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
C Ehrhardt, Absorption pathways in the lungs, MVIC Symposium 2023, Lund, Sweden, 11/10/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, Chancen und Herausforderungen für inhalierte Biotherapeutika - Perspektiven für inhalierte Biologika, XXIV. Deutsches Aerosol Therapie Symposium, München, Germany, 10/11/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, Inhaled medicines development, The Association of Inhalation Toxicologists Pre-clinical development " Back to Basics Workshop at DDL2023, Edinburgh, UK, 06/12/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, Drug absorption mechanisms in the lung " beyond passive diffusion, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM, Hannover, Germany, 10/05/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C Ehrhardt, Rethinking Pulmonary Drug Delivery, Center for Convergent Bioscience and Medicine (CCBM), University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 19/10/2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED


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Award Date
International Research Collaboration Award, University of Sydney 2013
Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2013
Galenus Support Award 2012, Galenus Privatstiftung 2012
Galenus Support Award 2011, Galenus Privatstiftung 2011
Galenus Support Award 2010, Galenus Privatstiftung 2010
Galenus Support Award 2009, Galenus Privatstiftung 2009
Galenus Support Award 2008, Galenus Privatstiftung 2008
Galenus Support Award 2007, Galenus Privatstiftung 2007
Travel grant from the DFG to attend the Experimental Biology Meeting, Washington, DC, USA 2004
Poster Award at the 8th German Seminar on Aerosol Therapy, Marburg, Germany 2003
Recognition Award for Meritorious Research by a Young Investigator, American Physiological Society 2003
Travel grant from the CRS to attend the 30th Annual Meeting of the CRS, Glasgow, UK 2003
"Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses" Fellowship from the DPhG 2002
Travel grant from the Nagai Foundation to attend the 28th Annual Meeting of the CRS, San Diego, CA, USA 2001
Travel grant from the DPhG to attend the 6th European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences - EUFEPS 2000, Budapest, Hungary 2000
I have established an international reputation in the field of Pulmonary Biopharmaceutics. The scientific aim of my work is to describe the behaviour of drugs following their administration to the lung as inhaled aerosols, i.e. lung drug disposition and pulmonary epithelial transport. Moreover, I have developed a keen interest in the molecular origins of lung disease. Over the last 20 years, the incidence of lung-related diseases and the morbidity due to these conditions is increasing at more than 5% per year. With 1 in 7 people in Ireland having an undiagnosed lung condition and Ireland having the third highest death rate from lung disease in Europe, causing 1 in 5 deaths, the potential impact of my work becomes clear. In my lab we primarily employ pre-clinical models. We have established organotypic in vitro, ex vivo and experimental in vivo models, which allow a wide array of discovery and development studies. Inter alia, we have been credited with pioneering the development of primary cultures of human alveolar epithelial cells. The expertise of my laboratory includes techniques from the areas of pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, electrophysiology, cell and molecular biology and immunocytochemistry. The unique combination of cell physiological basis and pharmaceutical application has led to numerous research collaborations, nationally and internationally, as well as to a continuous stream of visiting researchers to my laboratory. At the moment, we are involved in a number of international, multidisciplinary, translational studies into the role that drug transporters play in the pathogenesis of lung diseases. In this context, we are studying, e.g. the role of ergothioneine and its physiological transporter OCTN1 in the development and progression of tobacco-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study brings together researcher from TCD, St. James's Hospital, Brigham Young University, University of Kanazawa and University Medical Center Groningen and is financially supported by a Clinical Investigator Award from the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute (FAMRI). My lab continuously publishes in in high ranking peer-reviewed journals in the subject areas of Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology and Physiology. One of the highlights of our endeavours so far was the invitation to publish a review article in Nature Chemistry (Zelikin et al. 2016). Another of our publications (Paszko et al. 2011) achieved highly cited paper status according to Essential Science Indicators, i.e. it has received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. Chapters from Drug Absorption Studies, a book edited by me and published by Springer in 2008, were downloaded >85,000 times, placing it in the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant eBook Collection in 2016. My total research grant income as PI amounts to more than 3.2 million euros, of which >440,000 euros were secured in the last three years. In addition, I am involved as co-PI in a number of international collaborations, e.g. a NFB Life Sciences grant from NFB with Dr Oliver Langer from Austrian Institute of Technology, TÜBITAK grant with Dr Ayca Yıldız Peköz from Istanbul University and a Lung Foundation Netherlands grant with Dr Irene Heijink from the University of Groningen.