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Dr. David Mc Closkey

Associate Professor (Physics)
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Dr. David Mc Closkey

Associate Professor (Physics)

David McCloskey is currently the Associate Professor of the Science of Energy and Energy systems at the University of Dublin, Trinity College. He leads the Nanothermal research group, in the school of Physics at Trinity College Dublin. His current research interests include, photovoltaics, photothermal, waste heat harvesting, time and frequency domain thermal imaging techniques, thermoelectrics, thermal interface materials, heat exchangers, plasmonics, heat transfer in 2D materials, diamond photonics, optical microresonaotors , near field optics, heat transport on nanoscale, and nanofabrication (EBL, UV litho, FIB, Helium ion microscopy and lithography). He is part of the team of academics that developed the successful multidisciplinary masters program in the science of energy hosted across the Schools of Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Geology. David earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theoretical Physics at Trinity College Dublin in 2008, and his PhD in Experimental optics from the same institute in 2012, working with Prof. John Donegan. In his thesis work he studied electromagnetic scattering from non-spherical micron scale dielectric particles. He also studied whispering gallery modes and visible light integrated optics in silicon nitride. After completing his PhD, David worked as a postdoctoral researcher on a number of academic and industrial projects related to electromagnetism and thermal transport. In particular he has worked in collaboration with Western Digital Corporation on the optical design of heat assisted magnetic recording heads for the next generation of magnetic hard-drives. Other projects include sub-micron resolution thermal imaging of III-V diode lasers, with Nokia/ Bell Labs. He has worked as a visiting researcher in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Barcelona, Institut Fresnel, Marseille, and NUIG in Galway.
  Photovoltaic systems, cells and modules manufacturing   Photovoltaics   Solar Selective Surfaces   Solar, Thermal Power Systems   Solar, Thermoelectric Conversion   THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY   THERMAL ENERGY   THERMAL MANAGEMENT   Thermal radiation   THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY   Thermoelectric Generators   Thermoelectricity   THERMOELECTRIC-POWER   Thermoreflectance   ULTRAFAST PROCESSES
Project Title
 Thermal Properties of Metallic Nanowires: Determining the Ultimate Limit in Miniaturisation of Metallic Electrical Interconnects
Electrical interconnects are essential elements of all integrated circuits (ICs), and constitute the wiring system that provides power and distributes clock signals to various functional blocks in a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) IC. The international technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS) has identified metallic interconnect scaling as a key challenge limiting overall chip performance. Limited bandwidth of interconnects in processors has resulted in only 10% of transistors being active at any time, and has led to a stagnation in the rate of increase of computing power. As feature sizes continue to shrink in ICs, interconnect dimensions are becoming comparable to the electron mean free path. Electron scattering from grain boundaries, surfaces and defects now dominates the electrical transport resulting in greatly increased resistivity. Since electrons are the main carriers of heat in metallic systems the thermal conductivity is also greatly diminished. This means that heat cannot be easily removed from sources and the local temperature can spike leading to failure in devices. This problem is compounded by a reduction in material melting point at the nanoscale known as melting point depression. This project is designed to investigate electrical and thermal transport in chemically synthesised metallic nanowires in order to determine the ultimate scaling limit of metallic interconnects. A key differentiator in this project is that the local temperature will be determined using an optical technique, decoupling thermal and electrical measurements. Optical techniques allow non-invasive measurement of local temperature distributions with ~250 nm resolution, removing the need to rely on assumptions about the current induced heating in the nanowire. Understanding and controlling the thermal properties of nanomaterials will lead to disruptive breakthroughs in micro and nano-electronic devices with global technological and economic impact.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship
Person Months
Project Title
 Heating in GaN Electronics
Funding Agency
SFI, Dublin, Ireland
AMBER Directors Fund
Project Type
Person Months
Project Title
 Visible Light Scattering from micron scale silicon nitride structures
Spatial confinement and angular divergence of electromagnetic radiation are intimately related through diffraction, which imposes the so called diffraction limit on light confinement and imaging resolution using far-field optics. This limit can be surpassed close to particles or interfaces by incorporating evanescent fields. Recent studies show that light scattering from micron scale dielectric particles can produce optical near-fields extending relatively far from the particle, with features which break the free space diffraction limit. Specifically light can be focused to beams with a sub-wavelength waist and still retain a low divergence angle. In this thesis we explore fully light scattering in this size regime using an experimental model system of planar scatterers fabricated in silicon nitride using electron beam lithography. This system gives precise control over the shape, size and position of the scatterers. We show that these low divergence features are a general property observed in the near-field of arbitrarily shaped scatterers in this size regime. Controlling the direction and polarization of the incident light and the morphology of the particle allows direct control over the intensity distribution in the near-field.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
PhD Award
Person Months
Project Title
 Quantitative Temperature mapping in metallic nanowires
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Project Type
Person Months

Details Date
Reviewer for journal including Applied Physics Letters, ACS photonics, ACS Nano, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Superlattices and Microstructures. 2012
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Basic Basic Basic
Irish Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
optical society of America (OSA) 2014
Irish Solar Energy Association (ISEA) 2020
Energy Institute (EI) 2018
Institute of Physics Ireland (IOPI) 2016
Delgado-Notario, J.A., López-Díaz, D., McCloskey, D., Caridad, J.M., Enhanced and Spectrally Selective Near Infrared Photothermal Conversion in Plasmonic Nanohelices, Advanced Functional Materials, 34, (32), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lynch, A.L., Murray, C.P., Roy, E., Downing, C., McCloskey, D., Extreme Dewetting Resistance and Improved Visible Transmission of Ag Layers Using Sub-Nanometer Ti Capping Layers, ACS Omega, 9, (8), 2024, p9714-9719 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Parthiban, A., Cotter, E., McCloskey, D., Analysis of energy, economic and environmental performance of solar water heaters for domestic hot water supply in northern European climate, 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2023, 2023, p2468-2479 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Shelly, N., Roy, E., Murray, C., McCloskey, D., Field Effect Modulation using Transparent Conductive Oxides and Multilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO:S and I 2023, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Roy, E., Shelly, N., Murray, C., McCloskey, D., Investigation of Field Effect Tuning of Refractive Index in Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Film Fabry-Perot Cavity Structures, International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2023, p1609-1610 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Murray, Christopher P., Mamyraimov, Daniyar, Ali, Mugahid, Downing, Clive, Povey, Ian M., McCloskey, David, O'Regan, David D., Donegan, John F., Monolayer Capping Provides Close to Optimal Resistance to Laser Dewetting of Au Films, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 5, (8), 2023, p4080-4093 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kenny Yu, Ryan Enright, David McCloskey, Quantified interfacial thermal conductance at solid-liquid interfaces using frequency domain thermoreflectance and analytical methods , IEEE ITherm , San Diego, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Erik Soderholm, Eoin Cotter, David McCloskey, Thermal managment of Photovoltaic systems , IEEE ITherm conference , San Diego, TBC, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Fogarty, C., McCloskey, D., Comparative Performance Study of Existing Flat Plate and Novel Hexadic Solar Collectors for Domestic Water Heating Systems in an Oceanic Climate in Western Europe, SSRN, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Soderholm, E.P., Cotter, E., McCloskey, D., Enhancing Efficiency and Lifetime of Photovoltaic Systems Through Passive Convective Cooling, InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITHERM, 2022-May, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 10
Kenny Yu, Ryan Enright, David McCloskey, Quantifying thermal properties at solid-solid and solid-liquid interfaces using frequency domain thermorelfectance, Photonics Ireland 2021, Virtual, 14/06/2021, 2021, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Kenny Yu, Ryan Enright, David McCloskey, Monte Carlo Analysis of frequency domain thermoreflectance data for quantitative measuremnt of interfacial thermal conductance at solid-liquid interfaces modified with self-assembled monolayers, 8th European Thermal sciences conference, virtual, 21/09/21, 2021, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED


Award Date
SFI Future Innovator Prize Winner 2021
One to Watch, Trinity Innovation Awards 2019
CRANN and AMBER Innovation Award. 2015
The over-arching goal of my research to aid in building the foundations for a sustainable society focusing on the areas of sustainable energy and communications. My expertise lies in the study of light and heat which are the key physical processes which underpin communication and energy generation respectively. My research program consists of a mix of both fundamental and applied research projects aimed at reducing the cost and barriers to access to clean renewable energy and lowering the energy use required for secure communications and data. Addressing real world technological and societal issues can stimulate research in directions that would not be obvious otherwise. At the same time improving fundamental understanding of Physics in nanoscale systems can lead to applications which may not yet exist. As such I think it is important to be active in both areas. Trinity is an ideal setting for this research as it is well aligned the TCD research themes of smart sustainable planet, International development, telecommunications and nanoscience. Currently we have 6 actively funded projects, a sample of two are below: SolarCool: (2019-2024 €759,301 from SFI and DCCAE) A multidisciplinary team from academia, industry and NGO backgrounds come together to address technological and societal issues deploying solar PV in arid environments with a specific focus on developing countries in Africa. 2D-Phase: (2020-2024 €534,005 from SFI) Investigating field effect optical amplitude and phase switching in thin films and 2D materials. This technology has the potential to greatly reduce energy required in communications and display technologies. Pipeline projects: We have a number of proposals in the final stage of review under schemes such as ERC Consolidator, SFI Frontiers, and SEAI. These address thin film thermoelectric integrated electronic coolers, deeply subwavelength coatings for active modulation of light, and technologies for controlling thermal radiation from surfaces respectively. An up-to-date list of projects is maintained on our group website.