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Dr. Jesse Dillon Savage

Associate Professor (Political Science)
Profile Photo

Dr. Jesse Dillon Savage

Associate Professor (Political Science)

Details Date
Journal reviewer: American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, American Political Science Review, International Security, International Interactions, European Journal of International Relations, Comparative Political Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, Security Studies, and Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
Details Date From Date To
American Political Science Association 2010 Present
International Studies Association 2010 Present
British International Studies Association 2019
European Political Science Association 2018
Jesse Dillon Savage, The Effects of Foreign Military Training on Civil-Military Relations, On Track, 29, 2022, p55 - 66, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Jesse Dillon Savage, Common-pool hierarchy: Explaining the emergence of cooperative hierarchies, International Studies Quarterly, 65, (3), 2021, p712 - 723, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Jesse Dillon Savage, Political Survival and Sovereignty in International Politcs, 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 1 - 288pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Foreign Military Training and Coups in, editor(s)William Thomposon , Oxford Encyclopedia of the Military in Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, ppOnline , [Jesse Dillon Savage], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Jesse Dillon Savage and Jonathan Caverley, When Human Capital Threatens the Capitol: Foreign Aid in the Form of Military Training and Military-Backed Coups, Journal of Peace Research, 54, (4), 2017, p542 - 557, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Jesse Dillon Savage, Military Size and the Effectiveness of Democracy Assistance, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 61, (4), 2017, p839 - 868, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Jesse Dillon Savage, The stability and breakdown of empire: European informal empire in China, the Ottoman Empire and Egypt, European Journal of International Relations, 17, (2), 2011, p161 - 185, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

Post-Soviet Georgia in, editor(s)Joseph R. Rudolph Jr. , Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic Conflict, USA, ABC-CLI0, 2015, pp207 - 220, [Jesse Dillon Savage], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Provost PhD Award 2020
Arts and Social Sciences Benefaction Award 2018, 2019