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Dr. Constantine Boussalis

Associate Professor (Political Science)
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Dr. Constantine Boussalis

Associate Professor (Political Science)

Constantine holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (World and Comparative Politics) and a M.A. in International Studies from Claremont Graduate University as well as a B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Los Angeles. His research interests include environmental politics, political communication, and computational social science. Before joining the Department of Political Science at Trinity College Dublin in 2014, Constantine served as Empirical Research Fellow at Harvard Law School from 2011.
Details Date
Management Committee Substitute (Ireland). ISCH COST Action IS1309 -- Innovations in Climate Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects (INOGOV) 2016
Advisory board. "Pathways to Power: The Political Representation of Citizens of Immigrant Origin in Seven European Democracies." 2015
Reviewed manuscripts for: American Political Science Review; British Journal of Political Science; Journal of Politics; Political Psychology; Social Forces; Irish Political Studies; Journal of Developmental Economics; World Development; Nature Climate Change; Global Environmental Change; Climate Policy; Environmental Politics; Environmental Communication; Environmental Sociology; Food Policy; International Journal of Press/Politics; One Earth; Open Political Science; International Political Science Review; Policy Studies Journal; Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 2014
Methodological reviewer for: Harvard Business Law Review, Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review,Environmental Law Review, Human Rights Journal, Harvard International Law Journal, Journal ofLaw & Gender, Journal of Law and Public Policy, Journal of Law and Technology, Journal on Legislation,Latino Law Review, Harvard Law & Policy Review, Negotiation Law Review, Unbound: Harvard Journalof the Legal Left, Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, National Security Journal 2011
Consultant, Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption 2016
External reviewer for the London School of Economics BSc in Politics and Data Science programme 2021
Served as a chair/discussant for the following conference meetings: American Political Science Association, International Studies Association, European Political Science Association, Political Studies Association of Ireland 2011
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Basic Basic Basic
Greek Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Medium Medium Medium
Spanish Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
European Political Science Association
Political Studies Association of Ireland
American Political Science Association
International Studies Association
Boussalis, C. and Coan, T.G. and Holman, M.R., Rally †Round the Mask: Congressional Social Media Images and Masking during COVID-19, Journal of Politics, 86, (4), 2024, p1591-1596 , Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Boussalis, C. and Craig, C. and Rudkin, A.F., Collective victimhood narratives in far-right communities on Telegram, Information Communication and Society, 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Guhin, J. and Holman, M. and Coan, T. and Boussalis, C., When to Preach About Poverty: How Location, Race, and Ideology Shape White Evangelical Sermons, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Boussalis, C., Chadefaux, T., Decadri, S., Salvi, A., Public and Private Information in International Crises: Diplomatic Correspondence and Conflict Anticipation, International Studies Quarterly, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Boussalis C., Coan T.G., Holman M.R., Muller S., Gender, Candidate Emotional Expression, and Voter Reactions during Televised Debates, American Political Science Review, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Coan T.G., Boussalis C., Cook J., Nanko M.O., Computer-assisted classification of contrarian claims about climate change, Scientific Reports, 11, (1), 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Boussalis, Constantine and Dukalskis, Alexander and Gerschewski, Johannes, Why It Matters What Autocrats Say: Assessing Competing Theories of Propaganda, Problems of Post-Communism, 2021, p1--12 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Constantine Boussalis, Travis Coan, Mirya Holman, Political Speech in Religious Sermons, Politics and Religion, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Devaney, L. and Brereton, P. and Torney, D. and Coleman, M. and Boussalis, C. and Coan, T.G., Environmental literacy and deliberative democracy: a content analysis of written submissions to the Irish Citizens†Assembly on climate change, Climatic Change, 162, (4), 2020, p1965-1984 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Boussalis, C. and Coan, T.G., Facing the Electorate: Computational Approaches to the Study of Nonverbal Communication and Voter Impression Formation, Political Communication, 2020, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Determining aid allocation decision-making: towards a comparative sectored approach in, Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, [Peiffer Caryn, Boussalis Constantine], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Identity and Public Support for North American Integration in, The Legitimacy of Regional Integration in Europe and the Americas, Springer, 2015, pp98-116 , [Boussalis, Constantine; Merolla, Jennifer; Peiffer, Caryn ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Provincial Politics and the Attraction of FDI in India and China in, editor(s)Kugler, J. & Tammen, R.L. , The Performance of Nations, Rowman & Littlefield, 2012, pp211 - 228, [Kugler, T., Coan, T.G., & Boussalis, C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Political Performance as a Moderator of International Migration in, editor(s)Kugler, J. & Tammen, R.L. , The Performance of Nations, Rowman & Littlefield , 2012, pp119 - 144, [Kugler, T., Boussalis, C. & Coan, T.G.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Principal Investigator (EUR 110,851) Horizon Europe-funded "WHat-if: Advanced Simulations for Testing the Effect of the Information Environment on the Functioning of Democracy" 2024
Principal Investigator (EUR 213,085) NORFACE-funded "Extreme Identities: A Linguistic and Visual Analysis of European Far-Right Online Communities' Politics of Identity" 2020
Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Elizabeth Meehan Prize for the best paper delivered at the Association's 2019 annual conference. 2020
PSAI Specialist Group Funding (EUR 750). Big Data, Text Analysis and Methdology Specialist Group, Political Studies Association of Ireland. This award will assist in the organization of an upcoming workshop on images-as-data research in the social sciences to be hosted at Trinity in May 2020. 2020
Visiting Professors Fund (EUR 850). Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. 2020
Events Fund (EUR 800). Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. This award will assist in the organization of an upcoming workshop on images-as-data research in the social sciences to be hosted at Trinity in May 2020. 2019
Funded Investigator (EUR 13,273,402). SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality. Science Foundation Ireland. 2019
Principal Investigator (EUR 11,450). "Computer Vision Applications in the Study of Political Speech-making and Voter Impression Formation". Enterprise Ireland funding in support of application to ERC. 2018
Principal Investigator (EUR 3000). "Computer Vision and Political Speeches". Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College Dublin. 2018
Principal Investigator (EUR 2,000). "Computer-assisted recognition of climate change denial and skepticism." Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TriSS) Academic Research Fellowship 2016/17 by Trinity College Dublin for 12 months. Four out of 20 applications were selected for funding. 2017
Principal Investigator (EUR 18,619). "Mining for Scepticism: Automated Text Analysis and the Study of Climate Change Denial." Trinity College Dublin Research Committee Pathfinder Programme grant awarded in May 2015 by Trinity College Dublin for 12 months. This research proposal was ranked 3rd overall out of a total of 110 university-wide applications. 2015
Principal Investigator (EUR 1,500). "Text Analysis and the Study of Climate Change Denial." Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2014-2015 awarded in April 2015 by Trinity College Dublin for 24 months. 2014
First Prize (EUR 300) - Approaches to the Study of Greek Society and Politics Competition, Greek Politics Specialist Group, Political Studies Association. 2015
Co-investigator (USD 30,000). Research grant awarded by the Harvard University Library Lab for monitoring and evaluating patron book usage through the use of smartphone technology. 2014